
Pretty selectors take your ugly text and transform it to nice CSS selectors.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import prettySelectors from '';


Pretty Selectors

Pretty selectors take your ugly text and transform it to nice CSS selectors.


npm install pretty-selectors

Input/Output example

Code example

var PrettySelectors = require('pretty-selectors');

var selector = PrettySelectors('Moje mama', {separator: 'snake',
                                selector: 'id',
                                maxWords: 3});
// result: #moje_mama


PrettySelectors(text, object)

text (string) – required

object.separator (string, default: 'dash') – optional

Options: dash, snake, camel

object.selector (string) – optional, default: 'class'

Options: class, id, element

object.maxWords (number) – optional, default: 0 means no text stripping

object.fallbackSelectorPrefix (string) – optional