
The only webpack loader you need to translate .proto files to ecma modules.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import protoPbjsLoader from '';


Ci Status


Webpack loader that parses .proto files and converts them to a protobuf.js modules. It build on top of protobuf.js CLI and could be handy integrate into your current build flow.


npm install --save-dev proto-pbjs-loader


// webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [{
            test: /\.proto$/,
            use: {
              loader: 'proto-pbjs-loader',
               * Config is optional.
              options: {
                 * controls the "target" flag to pbjs - true for
                 * json-module, false for static-module.
                 * default: false
                json: false,

                 * import paths provided to pbjs.
                 * default: webpack import paths (i.e. config.resolve.modules)
                paths: ['/path/to/definitions'],

                 * additional command line arguments passed to
                 * pbjs, see
                 * for a list of what's available.
                 * default: []
                pbjsArgs: ['--no-encode'],

                 * Additional build targets, wich will bundled in root object.
                 * Some times it helpful if pb.js throws error
                 * when try to resolve type
                 * default: []
                additionalTargets: ['/path/to/additional/definitions']
// myModule.js

 * replaces e.g.:
 * const protobuf = require('protobufjs/light');
 * const jsonDescriptor = require('json!my/compiled/protobuf.js');
 * const Root = protobuf.Root.fromJSON(jsonDescriptor);
const Root = require('my/protobuf.proto');


npm run lint # linting
npm run test # testing

Fresh up and fully refactored version of protobufjs-loader. Compatable with webpack 3 and 4.

Active maintenance with care and ❤️.

Feel free to send a PR.