
A custom element that visualises multiple sequences alignments. It is basically a wrapper of react-msa-viewer that plays along with other nightingale components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import protvistaMsa from '';



A custom element that visualises multiple sequences alignments. It is basically a wrapper of react-msa-viewer that plays along with other nightingale components.

It currently uses the clustal color scheme, and only displays the alignment, none of the other components includede in react-msa-viewer. it uses the scroll only to move vertically.



This readme is been use as a road map. A 🚧 emoji indicates that this feature is under construction.


  • ✅ Inherits from protvista-zoomable and supports updates from the protvista-manager
  • ✅ Refreshes when the property data is updated
  • ✅ Renders the sequence names if there is space assigned in the attribute labelwidth
  • ✅ Forces the zoom to stay at a level thet there is at least a pixel per base.
  • 🔲 Find an alternative to be able to zoom farther.
  • ✅ Changes in color schema
  • 🔲 Highlights a region
  • 🔲 Adding other components to the layout. eg. scale, conservancy plot, etc.
  • ✅ Calculates conservation of the alignment. This calculations runs as in a separate web worker.
  • ✅ Can use the conservation either as a colorscheme or as an overlay of the current colorscheme.

API reference



The width assigned for the component, including anything reseved for the sequence names

type: number defaultValue: calculated based onavailable space.


Height of the component

type: number


The space assigned for the sequence labels. This will be taken from the total width. Which means that if the width is 1000 and labelwidth is 200, the alignment will be using 800.

If a value of 0 is assigned, the rendering of labels will be avoided completely.

type: number defaultValue: 0


The colour scheme to use when painting the alignment tiles.

Note: The conservation color scheme has to calculate some values. The current approach is to do the calculation in a web worker, if the component requests using the 'conservation' scheme before the calculation is completed, it paint all the background in white, and repaints it once the calculations are done.

type: enum('buried_index'|'clustal'|'clustal2'|'cinema'|'helix_propensity'|'hydro'|'lesk'|'mae'|'nucleotide'|'purine_pyrimidine'|'strand_propensity'|'taylor'|'turn_propensity'|'zappo'|'conservation') defaultValue: 'clustal'


The font for the bases in the alignment. It should be in the format "[size]px [font]". Where [size] is a number and [font] should be a valid font name.

type: string default: '18px Arial'


A flag that enable the calculation of the conservation values per base in the alignment.

The calculation is executed on a web worker to avoid any interrruption on the main thread.

type: boolean defaultValue: false


The value of the active label/track to be selected in the visualisation.

Other inherit from protvista-zoomable

displaystart, displayend, length, highlight

See more here


It uses the calculated conservation to define opacity values for the background of the residues. This way highly conservated areas will be full coloured, while mutations will have a white background.

type: boolean defaultValue: false


If present, the value given here indicates how many sequences will be considered when calculating the conservation. This way alignments with many sequences won't require a full analysis of the conservation, but it will be estimated based on a sample. If not present, the conservation analysis will be executed with the all the sequences in the alignment.

type: number defaultValue: undefined



The sequences to be displayed. The should be in the following shape:

    name: "seq1",
  // ...

type: array


The value of onActiveTrackChange should be a callback function to fire for when the active label/track is changed. Usage:

// msaTrack is a reference to <protvista-msa /> element
msaTrack.current.onActiveTrackChange = (trackId) => {
  console.log("active track changed:", trackId);

type: function


An array of regions that indicates the existence of features:

    residues: { from: 1, to: 20 }, // 1-based
    sequences: { from: 0, to: 0 }, // 0-based
    id: "id-1", // returned if onFeatureClick has been provided
    borderColor: "blue", // optional
    fillColor: "black", // optional
  // ...

type: array


Returns the id of the feature that was clicked.

type: function



Return an object that contains the name of the current colorscheme in usage, and a map, that is a dictionary indicating the colorMapping used. For example the default scheme 'clustal' would return something like:

  name: 'clustal',
  map: {
    A: "orange",
    B: "#fff",
    C: "green",
    D: "red",
    E: "red",
    F: "blue",
    G: "orange",
    H: "red",
    I: "green",
    J: "#fff",
    K: "red",
    L: "green",
    M: "green",
    N: "#fff",
    O: "#fff",
    P: "orange",
    Q: "#fff",
    R: "red",
    S: "orange",
    T: "orange",
    U: "#fff",
    V: "green",
    W: "blue",
    X: "#fff",
    Y: "blue",
    Z: "#fff",
    Gap: "#fff"



It notifies progress at calculating the conservation. The detail of the event is an event with the progress, and the current count of bases per position in the current sequence. When the progress is equal to 1, then the current values of the sum is divided by the number of sequences.

// in the middle of the calculation
  progress: 0.5,
  conservation: [
    {M:5, A:3},
    {E:4, S:4},

//When the conservation calculation has been completed
  progress: 1,
  conservation: [
    {M:0.5, A:0.375, P:0.125},
    {E:0.375, S:0.375, -:0.5},


Evrytime the component redraws the alignment this event is raised. There are multiple actions to redraw the alignment, for instance, changes in the props, or dragging the viewport.

It doesn't have any data in the details.