
Package for connecting to Pokemon Showdown servers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import psClient from '';



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PS-Client is a module that handles connection to Pokemon Showdown servers. Apart from a very minimalistic configuration requirement, it also boasts multiple utility features, like promise-based messages, synchronized room and user data, alt tracking, and a lot of other stuff - go through the documentation for a complete summary.

Table of Contents

What's New


  • Multi-line messages now resolve at the time of the final line being successfully sent, instead of never resolving.
  • Some datacenters now use JSON.


  • Added various HTML methods to the Message, Room, and User classes.
  • Messages that successfully resolve a waitFor promise now have the awaited flag set.
  • Various properties of the Client, Room, and User classes have now been privatized.
  • Additions to Tools, including escapeHTML, unescapeHTML, and parseMessage.


To install ps-client using npm, open the terminal and type the following:

sudo npm install ps-client

If you have it in your package.json, simply run npm install. If you have installed it and wish to update your version, run sudo npm update ps-client.

PS-Client requires Node.js v14.0.0 or higher.

Example Setup

const { Client } = require('ps-client');
const Bot = new Client({ username: 'PartMan', password: 'REDACTED', debug: true, avatar: 'supernerd', autoJoin: ['botdevelopment'] });


Bot.on('message', message => {
    if (message.isIntro || === Bot.status.username) return;
    if (message.content === 'Ping!') return message.reply('Pong!');


Creating a Bot is fairly simple - all you have to do is create a new instance of the Client and pass the configuration options.

const { Client } = require('ps-client');
let Bot = new Client({ username: name, password: password });


There are multiple configuration options that can be specified - here's a complete list.

const options = {
    username: string, // The username you wish to connect to. Required parameter.
    password: string, // The password for the username you're connecting to. Leave this blank if the account is unregistered.
    server: string, // The server to which you wish to connect to - defaults to ''.
    port: number, // The port on which you're connecting to. Defaults to 8000.
    connectionTimeout: number, // The time, in milliseconds, after which your connection times out. Defaults to 2 minutes.
    loginServer: string, // The login server. Defaults to ''.
    avatar: string | number, // The avatar your Bot will have on connection. If not specified, PS will set one randomly.
    status: string, // The status your Bot will have on connection.
    retryLogin: number, // The time, in milliseconds, that your Bot will wait before attempting to login again after a failing. If this is 0, it will not attempt to login again. Defaults to 10 seconds.
    autoReconnect: number, // The time, in milliseconds, that your Bot will wait before attempting to reconnect after a disconnect. If this is 0, it will not attempt to reconnect. Defaults to 30 seconds.
    autoJoin: string[], // An array with the strings of the rooms you want the Bot to join.
    debug: (details: string): any, // The function you would like to run on debugs. If this is a falsey value, debug messages will not be displayed. If a true value is given which is not a function, the Bot simply logs messages to the console.
    handle: (error: string | Error): any // Handling for internal errors. If a function is provided, this will run it with an error / string. The default function logs them to the console. To opt out of error handling (not recommended), set this to null.


Client Structure

Client is an instance of an EventEmitter, and is the primary class. You can generate multiple Clients in the same script and execute them in parallel.

Client has the following properties:

  • opts: An object containing most of the configuration options. Note that Client.opts.password is a function that returns the password instead of a string.
  • isTrusted: A boolean that indicates whether the Bot is running on a trusted account. Until this is received, this value is null.
  • rooms: An object containing all the rooms the Bot is in. The keys are the room IDs, while the values are Room instances.
  • users: An object containing all the users the Bot is aware of. The keys are the user IDs, while the values are User instances.
  • status: An object containing four keys regarding the status of the connection. These are: connected, which is a Boolean that indicates whether the Bot is currently connected, loggedIn: a boolean that indicates whether the Bot has logged in successfully, username, which is the username the Bot has connected under, and userid, the corresponding user ID.
  • closed: A boolean that indicates whether the connection is currently closed.
  • debug, handle: These are where the debug and handler functions are stored.

Client also has the following methods:

  • connect (reconnect: boolean): void - Creates the websocket to connect to the server, then logs in. reconnect has no significance besides logging the attempt as a reconnection attempt.
  • disconnect: void - Closes the connection.
  • login (username: string, password: string | undefined): void - Logs in with the given credentials. Requires the websocket to have been created.
  • getUser (username: string | User): User | false | null - Finds a user among tracked users. Returns the user instance (in case the user has been tracked while renaming, the new User instance). Returns null for an invalid input and false if the user is not tracked.
  • sendUser (username: string | User, text: string): Promise<Message> - Sends the provided string to the specified user.
  • send (text: string): void - Sends the provided string to the server. This bypasses the queue, and can cause the Bot to exceed the throttle. Using Room#send or User#send instead is highly recommended.

Client has the following events:

  • message (message: Message) - Emitted whenever a message is received (includes both chat and PMs).
  • join (room: string, user: string, isIntro: boolean) - Emitted whenever a user joins a room.
  • leave (room: string, user: string, isIntro: boolean) - Emitted whenever a user leaves a room.
  • name (room: string, newName: string, oldName: string) - Emitted whenever a user renames from oldName to newName.
  • joinRoom (room: string) - Emitted whenever the Client joins a room.
  • leaveRoom (room: string) - Emitted whenever the Client leaves a room.
  • chaterror (room: string, error: string, isIntro: boolean) - Emitted whenever an error appears in chat, regardless of the source.

(isIntro indicates whether the event occurred prior to the connection.)

Apart from these, Client emits all events from this not specified here with the following syntax: (event) (room: string, line: string, isIntro: boolean)

Message Structure

Message represents each message object, regardless of whether it is in PM or chat. It also includes messages sent by the client. As of now, messages that are redirected to a different username are not resolving / rejecting properly, and will be addressed.

Message has the following properties:

  • author: The User object of the author of the message.
  • content: The string of the message content.
  • command: Represents the command that the message has (!dt, for example). If this is not a command, this is false.
  • parent: The Client that received the message.
  • type: The type of the message being received. Can be either 'pm' or 'chat'.
  • isIntro: A boolean that indicates whether the message was received as a past message on connection.
  • time: The Unix datestamp that indicates when the message was created. This is normally received from PS! wherever possible, but uses if the data is unavailable.
  • target: This can be either a Room or a User, depending on whether the type is chat or pm. If the type is chat, this is the Room in which the message was sent. If the type is pm, this is the User with which the PM is with - note that this is not always the target of the PM, such as in cases where the Bot receives a PM from another user.
  • raw: The original received message (ie, a message of the form |c|+PartMan|Hi! would have that as the raw and Hi! as the content).
  • awaited: A Boolean value indicating whether the message was used to resolve a Room#waitFor or User#waitFor promise.

Message has the following methods:

  • reply (text: string): Promise<Message> sends a message to the target and returns a Promise that is resolved with the sent Message, or is rejected with the message content. This is a shortcut for Message#target#send.
  • privateReply (text: string): true sends a private response (private message in the room if possible, otherwise a direct message).
  • sendHTML (html: string, opts?: { name?: string, rank?: string, change?: boolean }): boolean is an alias for Room#sendHTML and User#sendHTML.
  • replyHTML (html: string, opts?: { name?: string, rank?: string, change?: boolean }): boolean is an alias for Room#privateHTML and User#sendHTML.

Room Structure

Room is the class that represents a chatroom on the server. By default, the Client only spawns Room instances for rooms that the Bot is in.

Room has the following properties:

  • parent: This is the Client that holds the Room object.
  • roomid: The ID of the room.
  • id: Also the ID of the room, because why not?
  • title: The display title of the room. This does not always correspond to the room ID.
  • type: The type of the room. Can be either 'chat' or 'battle'.
  • visibility: The display permissions of the room. Public rooms have 'public', for example.
  • modchat: The modchat level of the room.
  • auth: An object that contains the roomauth of the room. The structure is (rank symbol): userid[].
  • users: An array that contains the display names, as well as ranks, of the users in the room.

Room has the following methods:

  • send (text: string): Promise<Message> sends a message to the Room and returns a Promise that is resolved with the sent Message, or is rejected with the message content.
  • privateSend (user: string | User, text: string): boolean sends a message in chat that is only visible to the specified user. Returns false if the client does not have permissions.
  • sendHTML (html: string, opts?: { name?: string, rank?: string, change?: boolean }): boolean sends a UHTML box to the room with the specified (optional) options (reusing a name will overwrite the previous box, rank will only show the HTML to the specified ranks and higher, and change toggles the overwriting behaviour between changing at the old location and changing at the bottom of chat). For example: Room.sendHTML('<b>This is an example.</b>', { rank: '+', change: true })
  • privateHTML (user: string | User, html: string, opts?: { name?: string, rank?: string, change?: boolean }): boolean behaves similarly to sendHTML, the difference being that privateHTML only sends the HTML to the specified user.
  • waitFor (condition: (message: Message): boolean, time: number): Promise<Message> waits for a message in the Room. This is resolved when the Client receives a message from the Room for which condition returns true, and is rejected if (time) milliseconds pass without being resolved. By default, time corresponds to 1 minute - you can set it to 0 to disable the time limit.

User Structure

User is the class that represents a user on the server. By default, the Client only spawns User instances for users that:

  1. Are in one or more of the rooms the Bot is in.
  2. Have been sent a message by the Bot (the User is spawned immediately before sending the message).
  3. Have sent a PM to the Bot.

User has the following properties:

  • parent: This is the Client that holds the User object.
  • alts: This is an array of the userids of known alts of the user.
  • userid: The ID of the user.
  • id: (Probably don't use this.)
  • avatar: The string / number referring to the avatar of the user. This is not the complete avatar URL.
  • name: The string that shows the displayed name of the user, including capital letters and other characters.
  • group: The global rank of the user. Is for regular users.
  • autoconfirmed: Indicates whether the user is autoconfirmed.
  • status: The string of the status set by the user. If no status is set, this is "".
  • rooms: An object containing the rooms of the user, structured as (rank + roomid): {} or (rank + roomid): { isPrivate: true }.

User has the following methods:

  • send (text: string): Promise<Message> sends a message to the User and returns a Promise that is resolved with the sent Message, or is rejected with the message content.
  • sendHTML (html: string, opts?: { name?: string, change?: boolean }): boolean sends a UHTML box to the user with the specified (optional) options (reusing a name will overwrite the previous box and change toggles the overwriting behaviour between changing at the old location and changing at the bottom of the DM). For example: User.sendHTML('<b>This is an example.</b>', { change: true })
  • pageHTML (html: string, name?: string): boolean sends a UHTML box to the user with the specified (optional) name (reusing a name will overwrite the previous page). For example: User.pageHTML("<b>Let's play chess!</b>", "chess")
  • waitFor (condition: (message: Message): boolean, time: number): Promise<Message> waits for a message from the User. This is resolved when the Client receives a message from the User for which condition returns true, and is rejected if (time) milliseconds pass without being resolved. By default, time corresponds to 1 minute - you can set it to 0 to disable the time limit.


For common purposes and frequently useful methods, a variety of tools have been made available. Tools can be accessed from require('ps-client').Tools. It has the following functions:

  • HSL (name: string, original: boolean): { source: string, hsl: number[], original?: { source: string, hsl: number[] } }: This function calculates the HSL values of the namecolours of the given username as calculated by PS! (S and L are in percentages). If the provided username has an associated custom colour, and original is not set to true, the function also generates an identical object keyed as original with the original colours, while hashing the custom one.
  • toID (name: string): string: Converts a username into their userid.
  • update (data?: string[]): string[]: Updates the corresponding datacenters in the module. If no parameters are passed, updates all datacenters. Valid inputs are: abilities, aliases, config, formatsdata, formats, items, learnsets, moves, pokedex, and typechart. Resolves with an array containing the names of all the updated centers, or rejects with any errors.
  • uploadToPastie (text: string, callback?: (url: string)): Promise<string>: Uploads the given text to Resolves with the raw link to the uploaded text. A callback may also be used.
  • uploadToPokepaste (sets: string, output?: (url: string) => {} | 'raw' | 'html'): Promise<string>: Uploads a string containing sets to Resolves with the URL to the uploaded paste. If output is a callback, the callback is instead run. output may also be set to 'html' to resolve with the received HTML, or 'raw' to resolve with the link to the raw paste.
  • escapeHTML (input: string): string: Escapes special characters with their HTML sequences.
  • unescapeHTML (input: string): string: Unescapes HTML sequences into their corresponding characters.

Note: This module uses axios for POST requests.
Note: The various methods that use HTML in the Message / Room / User classes all use the inline-css library for expanding <style> tags into inline CSS.


Since this module is for Pokemon Showdown, it also contains references to data from Pokemon Showdown. All of the data in this module is sourced from, and can be updated via Tools#update. This data is exported under require('ps-client').Data.

Data has the following entries:

  • abilities: Contains the data for abilities.
  • aliases: Contains the list of aliases.
  • config: Contains the configuration for PS; primarily used for custom colours.
  • formats-data: Contains tiers and Randoms moves.
  • formats: Contains the clauses for various tiers.
  • items: Contains the data for items.
  • learnsets: Contains the data for Pokemon learnsets.
  • moves: Contains the data for moves.
  • pokedex: Contains the basic Pokedex info.
  • typechart: Contains type matchup data. More information on how to use these can be found here.


Written by PartMan7. Many thanks to Ecuacion for the base connection logic.


  • Resolve PMs correctly when redirected to another user due to a rename.
  • Create an example repository.
  • Switch datacenters to JSON.