
Class based React components are often misused. They can grow to become thousands of lines of code which costs people time and businesses money. Furthermore; stateful components are rarely tested correctly.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import psymon from '';



psymon says this is deprecated.

Class based React components are often misused. They can grow to become thousands of lines of code which costs people time and businesses money. Furthermore; stateful components are rarely tested correctly.

psymon aims to make it simple to piece stateful components together in a fucntional way that allows maximum modularity and testability. Essentially, whereas React componentizes the UI, psymon componentizes your UI logic.


Relevant Types

type ObjectOfAnyT = {
    [name: string]: any

type ObjectOfFunctionsT = {
    [name: string]: Function

type SetupT = {
    state: ObjectOfAnyT,
    methods: ObjectOfFunctionsT,
    lifecycle: ObjectOfFunctionsT,
    component: React.ComponentType

psymon.component(name: string, setup: SetupT, pure: boolean)

Takes a stateless component, methods, lifecycle hooks, and state, and generates a stateful component. Includes pure option that is utilized by psymon.pureComponent, but can be an alternative way of creating or toggling purity.

psymon.pureComponent(name: string, setup: SetupT)

Takes a stateless component, methods, lifecycle hooks, and state, and generates a stateful pure component.

Usage Example

// index.js

import psymon from 'psymon';

import { component } from './component';
import * as lifecycle from './lifecycle';
import * as methods from './methods';

const state = {
    inputValue: '',
    todos: []

export const TodoList = psymon.component('TodoList', {
// ./lifecycle.js

export const componentDidUpdate = (self) => () => {
    // Whatever you want to do after update.
    // Use the `self` reference provided, not `this`.
// ./methods.js

export const setInputValue = (self) => (event) => {
        inputValue: event.currentTarget.value

export const addTodo = (self) => () => {
        todos: [...self.state.todos, self.state.inputValue],
        inputValue: ''

export const removeTodo = (self) => (index) => {
        todos: self.state.todos.filter((todo, i) => i !== index)


  • Testing. (Created on CodeSandbox as a simple experiment.)