
A utility to convert puppeteer ElementHandle to CSS Selector.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import puppeteerElement2selector from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/puppeteer-element2selector';



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A utility to convert puppeteer ElementHandle to CSS Selector.

This library uses antonmedv/finder to turn ElementHandle into a unique CSS Selector. Allows developers to easily identify elements.

Getting Started


$ npm install puppeteer-element2selector


Below is a minimal sample code.

import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import { element2selector } from 'puppeteer-element2selector';

const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https://google.com');

const element = await page.$('input');
const selector = await element2selector(element!);

console.log(`Result: ${selector}`); // Result: #tophf > input:nth-child(1)

API Document

element2selector(element: ElementHandle, options?: Options): string

  • element <ElementHandle>
  • options <Object>
    • seedMinLength <number> Minimum length of levels in fining selector. Starts from 1. For more robust selectors give this param value around 4-5 depending on depth of you DOM tree.
    • optimizedMinLength <number> Minimum length for optimising selector. Starts from 2. For example selector body > div > div > p can be optimized to body p.
    • threshold <number> Max number of selectors to check before falling into nth-child usage. Checking for uniqueness of selector is very costs operation, if you have DOM tree depth of 5, with 5 classes on each level, that gives you more than 3k selectors to check. finder uses two step approach so it's reaching this threshold in some cases twice. Default 1000 is good enough in most cases.
  • returns: <string>




MIT License @ wadackel