
Small puppeteer page object pattern implementation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import puppeteerPageObject from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/puppeteer-page-object';


Puppeteer page object Build Status

Small wrapper on puppeteer allows to you use page object pattern with clean steps and incapsulated methods.


Install it with npm:

npm i --save-dev puppeteer-page-object

Or yarn:

yarn add -D puppeteer-page-object


Follow examples bellow for fast start.

You can also check some examples with cucumber here.

Base page object

About all properties you can here.

const PageObject = require('puppeteer-page-object')

const examplePageObject = new PageObject({
  scenarioName: 'example-scenario'
;async () => {
  await examplePageObject.init()
  await examplePageObject.open('https://example.com')
  await examplePageObject.screenshot()
  await examplePageObject.close()


You can create page object instances and use all power of build in methods and properties:

const PageObject = require('puppeteer-page-object')

class ExamplePage extends PageObject {
  async typeToInput(text) {
    await this.page.type('#input', text)

const examplePageObject = new ExamplePage()
;async () => {
  await examplePageObject.init()
  await examplePageObject.open('https://example.com')
  await examplePageObject.screenshot()
  await examplePageObject.typeToInput('Hello world')
  await examplePageObject.close()


Name Type Default value Description
headless boolean true Headless mode.
scenarioName string null Scenario name to creates better screenshots names.
screenshotsPath string screenshots Path to save screenshots.
args string[] ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] Args for puppeteer browser launch.


Name Returns Description
.init() Promise<void> Initialize page object, creates browser and page instance. Must be called before all actions with browser and page properties.
.open(url: string) Promise<void> Opens given url. Sugar for this.page.goto.
.close() Promise<void> Closes page. Sugar for this.browser.close.
.screenshot(params?: object) Promise<void> Capture screenshot and save it to dir defined by this.screenshotsPath. You can alse pass params-object. Sugar for this.page.screenshot
.generateScreenshotName() string Generates unique screenshot name with test date and scenario name (if it defined in class instance).