
Remove unused svg symbols and optionaly merge svg files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import purgesvg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/purgesvg';



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What is PurgeSvg

If you're using external SVG sprites for your icon system there is a good chance you have a lot of unused icons at the end.

PurgeSvg will analyze your content and remove all unused icons. This will make your SVG file a lot smaller.

It also enables you to merge more SVG files into one and thereby reducing network requests.

:bangbang: Warning :bangbang:️

Be aware that external SVG sprites are not supported in any version of IE. If you need support for IE check out svg4everybody.

:heart: Gratitude :heart:

This package was inspired (and some code copied) from Purgecss



Start by installing the package globally

npm i -g purgesvg

PurgeSvg is available via a CLI. You can use the CLI by itself or with a configuration file.

To see the available options for the CLI: purgesvg --help

purgesvg --content <content> --svgs <svgs> [option]

  -c, --config     configuration file                                   [string]
  -o, --out        Filepath directory to write purified svg files to    [string]
  -w, --whitelist  List of id's that should not be removed [array] [default: []]
  -h, --help       Show help                                           [boolean]
  -v, --version    Show version number                                 [boolean]

Using configuration file

purgesvg --config /path/to/config.js


:heavy_check_mark: When not using a configuration file the --content and --svgs options are required.

  • --content

Content that should be analyzed. An array of filenames or glob.

purgesvg --content index.html /resource/assets/**/*.vue --svgs ...

  • --svgs

SVG files to purge. An array of filenames or glob.

purgesvg --content index.html --svgs /images/icons.svg /icons/solid.svg

  • --out

Output path for purged SVGs.

The output path can be:

  • a directory - the purged files will be placed in this folder with the same filename as the SVG
  • a path to a file - all SVGs will be purged and merged into this file
  • missing - if this option is missing the purged SVGs will be put beside the original file as filename.purged.svg

purgesvg --content index.html --svgs /icons/*.svg --out /build/purged/icons.svg

  • --whitelist

List of whitelist ids. Id's will be whitelisted for all SVG files.

purgesvg --content index.html --svgs /icons/*.svg --whitelist rocket heart times


Start by installing the package as a development dependency

npm i --save-dev purgesvg

You can use PurgeSvg in your javascript file. Just require the package, create the new PurgeSvg class, add configuration options and call the purge method.

The constructor accepts a configuration object or a path to the configuration file.

const PurgeSvg = require('purgesvg')

new PurgeSvg({
    content: './__tests__/test_examples/clean_svgs/index.html',
    svgs: [{
        in: './__tests__/test_examples/clean_svgs/icons.svg',
        out: tempFolder
    whitelist: {'*': ['building']}


:wrench: TODO :hammer:



  • content

Content that should be analyzed. The content option is an array of files or globs.

new PurgeSvg({
    content: ['index.html', `**/*.js`, '**/*.html', '**/*.vue'],
  • SVGs

A list of SVG files that should be purged and their output configuration. The list could be an array of files/globs or an array of objects.

When provided as an array of strings (files/globs) the purged file will be saved in the same folder as the original as filename.purged.svg.

new PurgeSvg({
    svgs: ['images/icons.svg'], // purged file will be saved in 'images/icons.purged.svg'

Providing an array of objects enables more versatility. Some examples of different options:

new PurgeSvg({
    svgs: [
        // purged file will be saved in 'build/images/icons.svg'
            in: 'images/icons.svg', // full path
            out: 'build/images' // only folder
        // purged AND MERGED files will be saved in 'build/images/merged.svg'
            in: 'icons/*.svg', // glob
            out: 'build/images/merged.svg' // full path
  • whitelist

Provides the option to whitelist ids of SVG sprites. The option can be used to whitelist ids for all files or only for specific SVG files.

new PurgeSvg({
    whitelist: {
        '*': new Set(['rocket', 'heart', ...]), // whitelist id's for all files
        'solid.svg': new Set(['building', 'times', ...]) // whitelist id's only for a specific file

Configuration file

The configuration file is a simple JavaScript file containing options:

module.exports = {
    content: ['index.html'],
    svgs: [{
        in: 'images/*.svg'
    whitelist: {
        '*': new Set(['rocket', 'building'])