
Validating and Generating Passwords

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pwSimplified from '';



Whats new in Version 1.1.2?

  • Added support for ES-Syntax (import/export)
  • Fixed some Bugs

Note: In later versions this module will completely switch to be an ES-module!

A small module for generating, validating and rating passwords based on changeable configurations

How to get started?

  • First of All you will need to install the module with:
npm i pw-simplified
  • Then you will need to require the module into your file with for example:

1) Using CommonJS:

const PW = require('pw-simplified'); // returns Class
const Pw = new PW(object1,object2,object3); // creating new Instance

2) Using ES-Module:

import PW from "pw-simplified"; // importing the Class
const Pw = new PW(object1,object2,object3); // creating new Instance
  • in order to use ES-Modules just add to your package.json:
    "type": "module",

Note: The module will return a Class with all the necessary methods!

What arguments are needed for the Constructor?

  • The Constructor accepts 3 Objects, which are used to configurate the module to your needs.

    • The first object configurates the Generating of Passwords

    • The second object configurates the Validating of Passwords

    • The third object configurates the Rating of Passwords

What properties do these configuration objects have?

  • First object - for Generating Passwords

    • Explained with an example:
    const configurationOfGenerating = {
        lowercase : true, // if false -> no lowercase characters in the generated Password
        uppercase : true, // if false -> no uppercase characters in the generated Password
        numbers : true, // if false -> no numbers in the generated Password
        special : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`, // if false -> no special characters in the generated Password
        length : 12 // if false -> Error
    // All these properties have default values if not set:
        lowercase : false,
        uppercase : false,
        numbers : false,
        special : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`,
        length : 8
  • Second object - for Validating Passwords

    • Explained with an example:
    const configurationOfValidating = {
        lowercaseRequired : true, // if false -> no lowercase character check in the Password
        uppercaseRequired : true, // if false -> no uppercase characters check in the Password
        numbersRequired : true, // if false -> no numbers check in the Password
        specialRequired : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`, // if false -> no special characters check in the Password
        minLength : 8, // if false or true -> Error
        maxLength : 30 // if false or true -> Error
    // All these properties have default values if not set:
        lowercaseRequired : false,
        uppercaseRequired : false,
        numbersRequired : false,
        specialRequired : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`,
        minLength : 8,
        maxLength : 30
  • Third object - for Rating Passwords

    • Explained with an example:
    const configurationOfRating = {
        lowercaseCheck : true, // if false -> no lowercase character check in the Password
        uppercaseCheck : true, // if false -> no uppercase characters check in the Password
        numbersCheck : true, // if false -> no numbers check in the Password
        specialCheck : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`, // if false -> no special characters check in the Password
        minLengthCheck : 8, // if false or true -> Error
        maxLengthCheck : 30, // if false or true -> Error
        output : 'numeric' // two options 'string' or 'numeric'
    // All these properties have default values if not set:
        lowercaseCheck : false,
        uppercaseCheck : false,
        numbersCheck : false,
        specialCheck : `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~`,
        minLengthCheck : 8,
        maxLengthCheck : 30,
        output: 'string'

    Note: Not pre-defined properties will be ignored

How to call the methods?

  • After you created a new Instance you have 4 methods to choose:

    • generatePW() - no arguments needed when calling - return generated Password
    const pw = Pw.generatePW(); // example return with the example configuration from above: `e05-_RF]>72#`
    • validatePW(pw) - argument is the pw to be checked as a string - returns boolean
    const valid = Pw.validatePW(pw); // example return with the example configuration from above: true
    • ratePW(pw) - argument is the pw to be rated as a string or number - returns rating as string or number
    const rating = Pw.ratePW(pw); // example return with the example configuration from above: 'medium'
    • ratePWGeneral(pw) - argument is the pw to be rated as a string - returns rating as string or number
    • This method rates the Password on a more General level - so its not configurable
    • It will check if the Password is at least 8 characters long, has uppercase, lowercase, number and special. Depending on result it returns from very weak to very strong or from 1 to 5.
    const ratingGeneral = Pw.ratePWGeneral(pw); // example return with the example configuration from above: 'very strong'

The End