
PWA invitation for iOS and few utils usefull for PWA.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pwaIosInvitation from '';



PWA invitation react component for iOS (located in right place for different devices) and few utils usefull for PWA.



PWA invitation component on iOS style, located in a bottom for iPhones portrait and in top for iPad and iPhones landscape (greater iPhone SE)

import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
import PwaIosInstallInvitation, { IconShareIos } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation'

    <App />

            Install my awesome webapp on your {iosDevice}: tap <IconShareIos /> and then Add to Home Screen

Prop / Const Type Default Description
showPwaInvitation bool or function::bool true Value or function that set PWA invitation visablity. It's affect Android devices too
iosInvitationTimeout int 0 Milliseconds after last closing PWA invitation on ios to show it again
iosInvitationOnlySafari bool false Set to true to show invitation on ios only in Safari
iosInvitationContent string, jsx or function(iosDevice) "Install this webapp on your {iosDevice}: tap <IconShareIos /> and then Add to Home Screen" Ios invitation content
--ios-install-invitation-bg css const #f2f8ff Component background color
--ios-install-invitation-text-color css const #37434E Component text color


Consts that can be usefull with PWA works

// use this one to reduce bundle size, if you need only const
import { isPwa, isIos, iosDevice, isSafari } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation/const' 

// or you can use this one, if you use invitation too
import { isPwa, isIos, iosDevice, isSafari } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation'
Prop Type Description
isPwa bool true if application run as PWA
isIos bool equal true if device based on ios
iosDevice string iPhone or iPad or iPod
isSafari bool true if it Safari and NOT Chrome


Ios style "Share" icon. You can use it for iosInvitationContent

import { IconShareIos } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation'
Prop Type Description
className string Custom css class for icon component


Hook for default PWA install invitation event

// use this one to reduce bundle size, if you need only const
import { IconShareIos } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation/hooks'

// or you can use this one, if you use invitation too
import { IconShareIos } from 'pwa-const-and-invitation'