
simple password hashing with support for salt, secret pepper, and brute-force salt

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pwdHasher from '';


Pwd Hasher

Simple password hashing with support for salt, secret pepper, and brute-force salt.

Install dependency

npm install --save pwd-hasher


import Hasher from 'pwd-hasher';

const hasher = new Hasher({ secretPepper: 'shhh', workFactor: 10 });

const hashed = await hasher.hash('my-password');

const invalid = await'incorrect-password', hashed); // false
const valid = await'my-password', hashed); // true



const hasher = new Hasher({ secretPepper, workFactor })

Creates a new Hasher object.

The secretPepper should be a string which is known only to the webserver (it should not be stored in the same database as the hashes) and must not change (if it changes, all passwords will become invalid). Typically this would be provided as an environment variable to the web server during deployment. By default this is a blank string ''.

The workFactor should be an integer which controls the amount of work required to generate the hash. This should be tuned to take the longest possible time which still gives a good user experience when logging in, as this will provide the greatest protection for offline attacks against the password hash database. This value can and should change over time; if you deploy your application to a more powerful server, the number should be raised. Each increment approximately doubles the required work. By default this is 10.


const hashed = await hasher.hash(password);

Hashes the given password using a random salt and brute-force salt.

The algorithm used is bcrypt(sha512(password+bruteSalt+secretPepper)) (bcrypt provides the salt). This avoids password length restrictions. The bruteSalt is a random integer from 0 to 7 and provides additional protection against brute-force attacks (incorrect passwords will take, on average, approximately twice as much effort to invalidate as correct passwords will take to validate).


const match = await, hash);

Checks a password against the given hash. The configured secretPepper must match the value used when generating the original hash. The workFactor can be different; this will always use the work factor stored with the hash.


const regenerate = hasher.needsRegenerate(hash);

Returns true if the hash's work factor is lower than the currently configured work factor. In this scenario, you should re-hash the password during a successful login. For example:

async function login(user, password) {
  const hash = await myDB.getUserHash(user);
  const success = await, hash);
  if (!success) {
    return false;
  if (hasher.needsRegenerate(hash)) {
    const newHash = await hasher.hash(password);
    await myDB.saveUserHash(user, newHash);
  return true;

This will ensure that old passwords are slowly updated to the latest work factor as users log in to the application, even if the user does not update their password.