
QCObjects Enterprise Edition

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import qcobjectsEnterprise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/qcobjects-enterprise';



QCObjects Enterprise Edition

Learn more about QCObjects framework in https://qcobjects.dev

To start, use:

> su - qcobjects

and go to the path ~/projects/mynewapp

To create a new progressive web app type:

> qcobjects create mynewapp --pwa

To create an accelerated mobile page type:

> qcobjects create mynewapp --amp

The QCObjects HTTP2 Server Settings file is in:


To check the status of the service:

> service qcobjects status

To start|stop|prestart the service:

> service qcobjects start
> service qcobjects stop
> service qcobjects restart
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  Usage: qcobjects [options] [command]

    -V, --version                output the version number
    -h, --help                   output usage information

    create [options] <appname>   Creates an app with <appname>
    publish [options] <appname>  Publishes an app with <appname>
    generate-sw <appname>        Generates the service worker  <appname>
    launch <appname>             Launches the application

    $ qcobjects-cli [command] --help
    For detailed information of a command