
Minimal templating engine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import qiq from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/qiq';



Minimal templating engine, based on minstache.


$ npm install qiq


The qiq(1) executable can compile a file to a valid stand-alone commonjs module for you, there's no need to have qiq as a dependency:


Hello {{name}}! {{^authenticated}}<a href="/login">login</a>{{/authenticated}}

convert it:

$ qiq < hello.qiq > hello.js

Now you can do:

  var hello = require('./hello');
  var str = hello({ name: 'Tom', authenticated: false });

  console.log(str); // => "Hello Tom! <a href="/login">login</a>


qiq(string, [obj], [opts])

Compile and render the given mustache string with optional context obj.


Compile the qiq string to a stand-alone Function accepting a context obj.



  var qiq = require('qiq');

  var template  = 'Hi {{name}}!';
  qiq(template, { name: 'Tommy' }); // => "Hi Tommy!";

  // nested objects also work
  var template  = 'Hi {{name}}, how is your {{day.name}}?';
  var data      = { name: 'Tommy', day: { name: 'Tuesday' } };
  qiq(template, data); // => "Hello Tommy, how is your Tuesday?";

  // to escape HTML, use a ! before your variable name
  var template  = 'Good day {{!greeting}}';
  qiq(template, { greeting: '<em>human</em>' }); // => "Good day <em>human</em>";

  // you can also separate brackets and tokens with spaces, like:
  var template  = 'Hi {{ name }}, how are you?';
  qiq(template, { name: 'Jerry' }); // => "Hi Jerry, how are you?";

  // and even use a different delimiter if you want to:
  var template  = 'Howdy <% name %>!';
  var opts      = { delimeter: /\<\% ?| ?\%\>/ };
  qiq(template, { name: 'Jerry' }, opts); // => "Howdy Jerry!";


  // true
  var template  = 'Hello.{{#foo}} Goodbye.{{/foo}}';
  qiq(template, { foo: true }); // => "Hello. Goodbye.";

  // truthy
  var template  = 'Goodbye.{{#number}} Hello.{{/number}}';
  qiq(template, { number: 1 }); // => "Goodbye. Hello.";

  // false
  var template  = 'This is {{^bar}}not {{/bar}}a test.';
  qiq(template, { bar: false }); // => "This is not a test.";

  // if/else
  var template  = 'Very {{#good}}good{{_else}}bad{{/good}}.';
  qiq(template, { good: true }); // => "Very good.";

  // if/else reversed
  var template  = 'Such {{^ugly}}nice{{_else}}ugly{{/ugly}}!';
  qiq(template, { ugly: false }); // => "Such nice!";

  // nested if/else!
  var template = 'Works? {{^works}}Nope.{{_else}}Yep, {{#awesome}}awesome{{_else}}cool{{/awesome}}!{{/works}}'
  qiq(template, { works: true, awesome: false }); // => "Works? Yep, cool!";


Your object can have functions that either return true or false, which are used to follow the template logic, or return a string in which case that is what is printed.

  var template  = '{{#isEmpty}} is empty {{_else}} not empty {{/isEmpty}}';
  var obj = { isEmpty: function() { return false } }
  qiq(template, obj); // => "not empty";

  var template  = '{{#toUpper}} these are letters {{/}}';
  var obj = { toUpper: function(thunk) { return thunk.toUpperCase() } }
  qiq(template, obj); // => "THESE ARE LETTERS";


  var template = '<ul>{{#contacts}}<li>{{name}}</li>{{/contacts}}</ul>';
  var list = {
    contacts: [{ name: 'tobi' }, { name: 'loki' }, { name: 'jane' }]
  qiq(template, list); // => "<ul><li>tobi</li><li>loki</li><li>jane</li></ul>";
