
Yet another Node.js metrics module.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import quantify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/quantify';



Stability: 1 - Experimental

NPM version

Yet another Node.js metrics module.

This one was created and inspired by the measured module. Much as the creator of that one, I wanted to better understand the underlying algorithms, as well as provide for a different interface for interacting with metrics informed by the metric, entry, reporter, subscription ideas of @bltroutwine from Ten Billion a Day, One-Hundred Milliseconds Per - Monitoring Real-Time Bidding At AdRoll presentation.

The subscription concept is elaborated in the quantify.subscribe(config) section.

The histogram implementation uses weighted sampling and exponentially decaying reservoir described here.


@tristanls, @lpearson05


To run the below example run:

npm run readme
"use strict";

const Quantify = require("../index.js");

const metrics = new Quantify();

// create a counter
const counter = metrics.counter("errors", "Err");
// create a gauge
const gauge = metrics.gauge("cpuLoad", "Load");
// create a histogram
const histogram = metrics.histogram("searchResultsReturned",
        measureUnit: "Result",
        sampleSizeUnit: "Req"
// create a meter
const meter = metrics.meter("requests",
        rateUnit: "Req/s",
        updateCountUnit: "Req"
// create a timer
const timer = metrics.timer("requestLatency",
        measureUnit: "ms",
        rateUnit: "Req/s",
        sampleSizeUnit: "Req"

// create a counter with metadata
const counterWithMetadata = metrics.counter(
        server: "i-17"

counter.update(1); // increment
counter.update(-1); // decrement

counterWithMetadata.update(1); // increment

gauge.update(17); // set

histogram.update(1227); // update
histogram.update(7122); // update

meter.update(); // mark
meter.update(10); // 10 "simultaneous" marks

const stopwatch = timer.start(); // start a timer
stopwatch.stop(); // stop a timer
timer.update(178); // explicitly update the timer with given value

console.log("== Synchronous getMetrics() output: ==");
console.dir(metrics.getMetrics()); // get metrics synchronously

const subscriptionName = metrics.subscribe({label: "mySubscription"});
metrics.on(subscriptionName, function (data) {
    // console logger
    console.log("== Subscription logged to console: ==");
    console.log(data.label); // mySubscription
    console.log(data.counters.errors.value); // 0
    console.log(data.counters.errors.unit); // Err
    console.log(data.counters.errors.metadata); // undefined
    console.log(data.counters.warnings.value); // 1
    console.log(data.counters.warnings.unit); // Warn
    console.log(data.counters.warnings.metadata); // {"some_tag": "metadata"}
    console.log(data.gauges.cpuLoad.value); // 17
    console.log(data.gauges.cpuLoad.unit); // Load
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.updateCount); // total count of histogram updates
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.max); // maximum
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.mean); // mean
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.median); // median
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.min); // minimum
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.percentile75); // 75th percentile
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.percentile95); // 95th percentile
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.percentile98); // 98th percentile
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.percentile99); // 99th percentile
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.percentile999); // 99.9th percentile
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.sampleSize); // sample size
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.standardDeviation); // standard deviation
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.measureUnit); // Result
    console.log(data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.sampleSizeUnit); // Req
    console.log(data.meters.requests.updateCount); // total count of meter updates
    console.log(data.meters.requests.meanRate); // mean rate since creation
    console.log(data.meters.requests.oneMinuteRate); // one minute rate
    console.log(data.meters.requests.fiveMinuteRate); // five minute rate
    console.log(data.meters.requests.fifteenMinuteRate); // fifteen minute rate
    console.log(data.meters.requests.rateUnit); // Req/s
    console.log(data.meters.requests.updateCountUnit); // Req
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.updateCount); // total count of timer updates
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.meanRate); // mean rate since creation
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.oneMinuteRate); // one minute rate
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.fiveMinuteRate); // five minute rate
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.fifteenMinuteRate); // fifteen minute rate
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.max); // maximum
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.mean); // mean
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.median); // median
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.min); // minimum
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.percentile75); // 75th percentile
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.percentile95); // 95th percentile
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.percentile98); // 98th percentile
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.percentile99); // 99th percentile
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.percentile999); // 99.9th percentile
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.sampleSize); // sample size
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.standardDeviation); // standard deviation
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.measureUnit); // ms
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.rateUnit); // Req/s
    console.log(data.timers.requestLatency.sampleSizeUnit); // Req
metrics.on(subscriptionName, function (data) {
    // "statsd" logger
    console.log("== 'statsd' subscription: ==");
    console.log("**statsd**", "label:" + data.label);

    console.log("**statsd**", "counter.errors." + data.counters.errors.unit
        + ":" + data.counters.errors.value + "|c");

    var tagsString = "#";
    Object.keys(data.counters.warnings.metadata).forEach(function(tagName) {
        tagsString += tagName + ":" + data.counters.warnings.metadata[tagName];
    console.log("**statsd**", "counter.warnings." + data.counters.warnings.unit
        + ":" + data.counters.warnings.value + "|c|" + tagsString);

    console.log("**statsd**", "gauge.cpuLoad." + data.gauges.cpuLoad.unit
        + ":" + data.gauges.cpuLoad.value + "|g");

    Quantify.HISTOGRAM_MEASURE_FIELDS.forEach(function (field) {
        console.log("**statsd**", "histogram.searchResultsReturned." + field
            + "." + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.measureUnit + ":"
            + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned[field] + "|g");
    console.log("**statsd**", "histogram.searchResultsReturned.updateCount."
        + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.sampleSizeUnit + ":"
        + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.updateCount + "|g");
    console.log("**statsd**", "histogram.searchResultsReturned.sampleSize."
        + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.sampleSizeUnit + ":"
        + data.histograms.searchResultsReturned.sampleSize + "|g");

    Quantify.METER_RATE_FIELDS.forEach(function (field) {
        console.log("**statsd**", "meter.requests." + field + "."
            + data.meters.requests.rateUnit + ":"
            + data.meters.requests[field] + "|g");
    console.log("**statsd**", "meter.requests.updateCount."
            + data.meters.requests.updateCountUnit + ":"
            + data.meters.requests.updateCount + "|g");

    Quantify.TIMER_MEASURE_FIELDS.forEach(function (field) {
        console.log("**statsd**", "timer.requestLatency." + field
            + "." + data.timers.requestLatency.measureUnit + ":"
            + data.timers.requestLatency[field] + "|g");
    console.log("**statsd**", "timer.requestLatency.updateCount."
        + data.timers.requestLatency.sampleSizeUnit + ":"
        + data.timers.requestLatency.updateCount + "|g");
    console.log("**statsd**", "timer.requestLatency.sampleSize."
        + data.timers.requestLatency.sampleSizeUnit + ":"
        + data.timers.requestLatency.sampleSize + "|g");
    Quantify.TIMER_RATE_FIELDS.forEach(function (field) {
        console.log("**statsd**", "timer.requestLatency." + field + "."
            + data.timers.requestLatency.rateUnit + ":"
            + data.timers.requestLatency[field] + "|g");

// invoke a specific subscription every 5 seconds
setInterval(function () { metrics[subscriptionName](); }, 1000 * 5);


npm test



Public API


  • ['unit', 'value']

Counter only has value field.


  • ['unit', 'value']

Gauge only has value field.


  • ['updateCount', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'percentile75', 'percentile95', 'percentile98', 'percentile99', 'percentile999', 'standardDeviation', 'sampleSize', 'measureUnit', 'sampleSizeUnit']

All histogram fields.


  • ['max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'percentile75', 'percentile95', 'percentile98', 'percentile99', 'percentile999', 'standardDeviation']

HISTOGRAM_MEASURE_FIELDS are the HISTOGRAM_FIELDS that share the measure unit. The measure unit is the unit associated with the value given to histogram.update(<value>).


  • ['updateCount', 'meanRate', 'oneMinuteRate','fiveMinuteRate', 'fifteenMinuteRate', 'rateUnit', 'updateCountUnit']

All meter fields.


  • ['meanRate', 'oneMinuteRate', 'fiveMinuteRate', 'fifteenMinuteRate']

METER_RATE_FIELDS are the METER_FIELDS that are per second rates.


  • ['counters', 'gauges', 'histograms', 'meters', 'timers']


  • ['counter', 'gauge', 'histogram', 'meter', 'timer']


  • ['updateCount', 'meanRate', 'oneMinuteRate', 'fiveMinuteRate', 'fifteenMinuteRate', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'percentile75', 'percentile95', 'percentile98', 'percentile99', 'percentile999', 'standardDeviation', 'sampleSize', 'measureUnit', 'rateUnit', 'sampleSizeUnit']

All timer fields.


  • ['max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'percentile75', 'percentile95', 'percentile98', 'percentile99', 'percentile999', 'standardDeviation']

TIMER_MEASURE_FIELDS are the TIMER_FIELDS that share the measure unit. The measure unit is the unit associated with the value given to timer.update(<value>).


  • ['meanRate', 'oneMinuteRate', 'fiveMinuteRate', 'fifteenMinuteRate'];

TIMER_RATE_FIELDS are the TIMER_FIELDS that are per second rates.

new Quantify(name)

  • name: String Quantify instance name.

quantify.counter(name, unit, [metadata])

  • name: String Counter name.
  • unit: String What is counted.
  • metadata: Object Optional metadata.
  • Return: Counter Instance of a Counter entry.

Get or create a counter with provided name.

var Quantify = require('quantify');
var metrics = new Quantify();
var counter = metrics.counter("errors", "Err");
var counterWithMetadata = metrics.counter("warnings", "Warn", {some: "metadata"});
counter.update(1); // increment
counter.update(1); // increment
counter.update(-1); // decrement

quantify.gauge(name, unit, [metadata])

  • name: String Gauge name.
  • unit: String What is measured.
  • metadata: Object Optional metadata.
  • Return: Gauge Instance of a Gauge entry.

Get or create a gauge with provided name.

var Quantify = require('quantify');
var metrics = new Quantify();
var gauge = metrics.gauge("cpuLoad", "Load");
var gaugeWithMetadata = metrics.gauge("connections", "Conn", {some: "metadata"});
gauge.update(17); // set to 17
gauge.update(10); // set to 10
gauge.update(122); // set to 122


  • filters: Object (Default: undefined)
    • counters: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return counters with names that match the RegExp.
    • gauges: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return gauges with names that match the RegExp.
    • histograms: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return histograms with names that match the RegExp.
    • meters: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return meters with names that match the RegExp.
    • timers: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return timers with names that match the RegExp.
  • Return: Object Snapshot of metrics.

Synchronously calculate the snapshot of all metrics and return it.

With filters, one can specify what should be returned:

var metrics = new Quantify();

var fooCounter = metrics.counter("foo");
var barCounter = metrics.counter("bar");

var fooSnasphot = metrics.getMetrics({filters: {counters: /foo/}});
console.log(fooSnasphot.counters.foo.value); // 0
console.log(fooSnasphot.counters.bar); // undefined

var barSnapshot = metrics.getMetrics({filters: {counters: /bar/}});
console.log(barSnapshot.counters.foo); // undefined
console.log(barSnapshot.counters.bar.value); // 0

quantify.histogram(name, units, [metadata])

  • name: String Histogram name.
  • units: Object Units to use.
    • measureUnit: String What specific feature/property/aspect is being measured (ex: request latency).
    • sampleSizeUnit: String What is being measured (ex: web request).
  • metadata: Object Optional metadata.
  • Return: Histogram Instance of a Histogram entry.

Get or create a histogram with provided name.

var Quantify = require('quantify');
var metrics = new Quantify();
var histogram = metrics.histogram("searchResultsReturned", {
    measureUnit: "Result",
    sampleSizeUnit: "Req"
var histogramWithMetadata = metrics.histogram("friends", {
    measureUnit: "Friend",
    sampleSizeUnit: "Req"
}, {some: "metadata"});

quantify.meter(name, units, [metadata])

  • name: String Meter name.
  • units: Object Units to use.
    • rateUnit: String The rate of what is being measured per second (ex: web requests per second).
    • updateCountUnit: String What is being measured (ex: web request).
  • metadata: Object Optional metadata.
  • Return: Meter Instance of a Meter entry.

Get or create a meter with provided name.

var Quantify = require('quantify');
var metrics = new Quantify();
var meter = metrics.meter("requests", {
    rateUnit: "Req/s",
    updateCountUnit: "Req"
var meterWithMetadata = metrics.meter("events", {
    rateUnit: "Event/s",
    updateCountUnit: "Event"
}, {some: "metadata"});


  • config: _Object
    • filters: Object (Default: undefined)
      • counters: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return counters with names that match the RegExp.
      • gauges: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return gauges with names that match the RegExp.
      • histograms: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return histograms with names that match the RegExp.
      • meters: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return meters with names that match the RegExp.
      • timers: RegExp (Default: undefined) If specified, subscription will only return timers with names that match the RegExp.
    • label: String (Default: undefined) Optional label for human readibility.
  • Return: String Unique subscription name.

Creates a new subscription. The subscription name returned has two uses. First, it is a name of a method to call when this subscription should emit current data. Second, it is a name of an event that will be emitted when the method with this subscription name is called.

var metrics = new Quantify();

var subscriptionName = metrics.subscribe();
metrics.on(subscriptionName, function (data) {
    // report the data or do whatever

metrics[subscriptionName](); // trigger the subscription

Why? This is in order to decouple the timing of metric reporting from Quantify itself. Additionally, we decouple the timing of metric reporting from whatever reporters are interested in the particular subscription.

Another module can handle scheduling of when various metrics should be reported. If you want some things to be reported once a minute, but others once every five minutes, a way to achieve that in Quantify is to setup two subscriptions. For example:

var metrics = new Quantify();

var everyMinute = metrics.subscribe();
var everyFiveMinutes = metrics.subscribe();

metrics.on(everyMinute, function (data) {
    // handle reporting the data
metrics.on(everyFiveMinutes, function (data) {
    // handle reporting the data

setInterval(function () { metrics[everyMinute](); }, 1000 * 60);
setInterval(function () { metrics[everyFiveMinutes](); }, 1000 * 60 * 5);

With filters, one can specify what should be reported for each subscription:

var metrics = new Quantify();

var fooCounter = metrics.counter("requests", "Req");
var barCounter = metrics.counter("events", "Event");

var everyMinute = metrics.subscribe({filters: {counters: /requests/}});
var everyFiveMinutes = metrics.subscribe({filters: {counters: /events/}});

metrics.on(everyMinute, function (data) {
    console.log(data.counters.requests.value); // 0
    console.log(data.counters.events); // undefined
metrics.on(everyFiveMinutes, function (data) {
    console.log(data.counters.requests); // undefined
    console.log(data.counters.events.value); // 0

setInterval(function () { metrics[everyMinute](); }, 1000 * 60);
setInterval(function () { metrics[everyFiveMinutes](); }, 1000 * 60 * 5);

Lastly, Quantify enables mutliple handlers to subscribe to the emitted subscription event:

var metrics = new Quantify();

var fooCounter = metrics.counter("requests", "Req");

var everyMinute = metrics.subscribe();

metrics.on(everyMinute, function (data) {
    // this is some sort of console reporter
    console.log(data.counters.requests.value); // 0
    console.log(data.counters.bar); // undefined
metrics.on(everyMinute, function (data) {
    // this is some sort of HTTP reporter
    var req = http.request(options, function (res) {
        // do something with response
    req.end("requests:" + data.counters.requests.value);

setInterval(function () { metrics[everyMinute](); }, 1000 * 60);

quantify.timer(name, units, [metadata])

  • name: String Timer name.
  • unit: Object Units to use.
    • measureUnit: String What specific feature/property/aspect is being measured (ex: request latency).
    • rateUnit: String The rate of what is being measured per second (ex: web requests per second).
    • sampleSizeUnit: String What is being measured (ex: web request).
  • metadata: Object Optional metadata.
  • Return: Timer Instance of a Timer entry.

Get or create a timer with provided name.

var Quantify = require('quantify');
var metrics = new Quantify();
var timer = metrics.timer("requestLatency", {
    measureUnit: "ms",
    rateUnit: "Req/s",
    sampleSizeUnit: "Req"
var timerWithMetadata = metrics.timer("processLatency", {
    measureUnit: "ms",
    rateUnit: "Process/s",
    sampleSizeUnit: "Process"
}, {some: "metadata"});
timer.update(177); // explicitly record a time interval
var stopwatch = timer.start(); // start measuring a time interval
setTimeout(function () {
    stopwatch.stop(); // stop measuring a time interval and record it (in milliseconds)
}, 100);

If you use stopwatch functionality, the interval is calculated in milliseconds and the value provided internally via timer.update() will be updated in milliseconds.

If you never use stopwatch for a specific timer instance, the unit of the timer.update() call are whatever you want them to be.


  • subscriptionName: String Name of subscription to unsubscribe.
  • Return: Boolean false if subcription does not exist, true if successfully unsubscribed.

Event <subscriptionName>

  • function (data) {}
    • data: Object Object containing counters, gauges, histograms, and meters corresponding to the given <subscriptionName>.
      • latency: Number Number of milliseconds it took to prepare this subscription.
      • counters: Object Object containing counters by name. Each counter having the properties: unit, value.
      • gauges: Object Object containing gauges by name. Each gauge having the properties: unit, value.
      • histograms: Object Object containing histograms by name. Each histogram having the properties: updateCount, max, mean, median, min, percentile75, percentile95, percentile98, percentile99, percentile999, sampleSize, standardDeviation, measureUnit, sampleSizeUnit.
      • meters: Object Object containing meters by name. Each meter having the properties: updateCount, fifteenMinuteRate, fiveMinuteRate, meanRate, oneMinuteRate, rateUnit, updateCountUnit.
      • timers: Object Object containing timers by name. Each timer having the properties: updateCount, fifteenMinuteRate, fiveMinuteRate, meanRate, oneMinuteRate, max, mean, median, min, percentile75, percentile95, percentile98, percentile99, percentile999, sampleSize, standardDeviation, measureUnit, rateUnit, sampleSizeUnit.

Each subscription emits an event uniquely named with a given subscriptionName and containing the appropriate data according to previously set subscription filters.


An incrementing and decrementing value.

Public API


  • n: Integer Value to update the counter with. Use negative value to decrement.

Updates the counter value with provided integer. To decrement, use a negative integer.


Resets the counter value to 0.


Returns the current counter value.


The instantenous value of something.

Public API


  • n: Integer Gauge value to update with.

Updates the gauge with the provided value.


Returns the current gauge value.


The statistical distribution of values in a stream of data.

This implementation uses weighted sampling and exponentially decaying reservoir described here.

Public API


Returns the snapshot of the histogram at the present time. Snapshot is necessary because the Histogram implementation uses weighted sampling and exponentially decaying reservoir in order to give percentile and other statistical estimates while maintaining a fixed sample size and being responsive to changes. These estimates are time-dependent on when the histogram is updated and the time the histogram snapshot is taken. For more on snapshots see the pull request discussed here. For more on the statistics involved see Metrics Metrics Everywhere (Slides) and Metrics Metrics Everywhere (Video).

The returned snapshot has the following available:

  • snapshot.max() - Returns the maximum value.
  • snapshot.mean() - Returns the mean value.
  • snapshot.median() - Returns the median value.
  • snapshot.min() - Returns the minimum value.
  • snapshot.percentile75() - Returns the 75th percentile value.
  • snapshot.percentile95() - Returns the 95th percentile value.
  • snapshot.percentile98() - Returns the 98th percentile value.
  • snapshot.percentile99() - Returns the 99th percentile value.
  • snapshot.percentile999() - Returns the 99.9th percentile value.
  • snapshot.quantile(q) - Returns the qth percentile value (q should be between 0.0 and 1.0).
  • snapshot.size() - Returns the number of values in the snapshot.
  • snapshot.standardDeviation() - Return the standard deviation.


  • n: Integer Value to update the histogram with.

Updates the histogram with the provided value.


Returns the count of total updates to the histogram.


Measures the rate at which events occur.

Public API


Returns the fifteen minute rate in updates per second.


Returns the five minute rate in updates per second.


Returns the mean rate since meter creation in updates per second.


Returns the one minute rate in updates per second.


  • n: Integer Value to update the meter with.

Updates the meter n times.


Returns the current count of meter updates.


A combination of a histogram of the duration of an event and a meter of the rate of its occurence.

Public API


Returns the fifteen minute rate in updates per second.


Returns the five minute rate in updates per second.


Returns the mean rate since timer creation in updates per second.


Returns the one minute rate in updates per second.


Returns the snapshot of the histogram corresponding to the timer at the present time. See histogram.snapshot().


  • n: Integer Value to update the timer with.

Updates the timer with the provided value.


Returns the current count of timer updates.
