
HTML starter template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import quickBuildHtml from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/quick-build-html';


Quick build HTML

This starter template was intended to help me creating a static html template. It is build using HTML 5 boilerplate as the starter template, gulpjs as the task runner, and pug as the html template engine language.

Structure folder

+-- .tmp
+-- app
|   +-- assets
|       +-- css
|           +-- style.css
|           +-- normalize.css
|       +-- images
|       +-- js
|           +-- main.js
|           +-- plugins.js
|       +-- vendors
|   +-- base
|       +-- includes
|           +-- head.pug
|           +-- footer.pug
|       +-- index.pug
+-- dist

How to install

  • Install nodejs, documentation on how to install could be found here.
  • Install bower, run npm install -g bower
  • Do a git clone from https://github.com/ekarudianto/quick-build-html.git
  • Inside project directory, run npm install && bower install to install dependencies
  • Run npm start to run local server
  • Go to localhost:9010 for development mode

Run in distribution package

Run npm run start:dist in project directory and go to localhost:9050 for running the web app in distribution package.

Build the web app

Run npm run build in project directory and the built will be accessible on dist folder.