
A simple to use package to make writing in Discord.js much simpler

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import quickDjs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/quick.djs';


Table of Contents


quick.djs is a simple to use package that makes writing Discord.js bots much faster.


In order to use quick.djs you must have Node.js v12.0.0 or later insalled

Installing quick.djs:

npm install quick.djs


yarn add quick.djs

Functions and Classes

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { Moderation } = require('quick.djs');

const moderation = new Moderation();
const prefix = "!"

client.on("ready", ready => {
    const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
client.on("message", async message => {
    if (message.author.bot || !message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;

    if (command === "ban") {
        const userID = message.mentions.members.first().id; // Make sure to use the "members" property and not users.
        const reason = args.slice(1).join(" ");
        await moderation.ban(message, userID, {title: "User has been banned", reason: reason, color: "RED"});
        //Will also send a message when banned.

Moderation Functions: | Syntax | Description | Example | |---------|-----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ban() | Bans a member | quick.ban(message, 'user id', {title: 'embed title', reason: 'reason', color: 'hex color'}) //"message" is your message event parameter name. | | unban() | Unbans a member | quick.unban(message, 'user id') //"message" is your message event parameter name. | | kick() | Kicks a member | quick.kick(message, 'user id', {title: 'embed title', reason: 'reason', color: 'hex color' //"message" is your message event parameter name. |

More to come!

        //Basic Syntax:
        const { Images } = require("quick.djs")
        const images = new Images();
        const image = await images.hug();
        //Will console log the image URL.

Image Functions: | Syntax | Description | |----------|--------------------------| | hug() | Sends a hug image/gif | | kiss() | Sends a kiss image/gif | | slap() | Sends a slap image/gif | | punch() | Sends a punch image/gif | | wink() | Sends a wink image/gif | | pat() | Sends a pat image/gif | | kill() | Sends a pat image/gif | | cuddle() | Sends a cuddle image/gif | | wafiu() | Sends a wafiu image/gif | PLEASE NOTE: These do not send the image automatically, it only returns the image URL and then from there, you can do things with it.

//Basic Syntax

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();

const { Games } = require("quick.djs");
client.on("message", message => {
    if (message.content === "snake") {
        const games = new Games();
Syntax Description Example
snake() Setup a fun little snake game quick.snake(message) //"message" is your message event parameter name
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { Ticket } = require('quick.djs');

const ticket = new Ticket();
const prefix = "!"
client.on("ready", ready => {
    const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

client.on("message", message => {
    if (message.author.bot || !message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;

    if (command === "ticket") {
        ticket.new(message, 'STAFF ROLE ID HERE', {title: 'New Ticket', description: 'Welcome to this ticket!', color: "RED"}) 

Ticket Functions:

Syntax Description Example
new() Creates a new Ticket. quick.new(message, 'staff role id' {title: 'title', description: 'embed description', color: 'hex color'})
rename() Renames the channel name quick.rename(message, 'channelName') //"message" is what you have defined "message" as in your message event.
delete() Deletes the channel quick.delete(message) //"message" is what you have defined "message" as in your message event.


Syntax Description Example
antiSwear() Prevents people from swearing. quick.antiSwear(message, "no swearing message") //"message" is your message event parameter name
blacklistWords() Blacklist words that people can't say. quick.blacklistWords(message, "blacklisted word message" {words: ["word1", "word2", "etc"]}) //"message" is your message event parameter name
memberCount() Display a member count of your server. quick.memberCount(client, member, channelID)
welcome() Displays a welcome message when users join your server. quick.welcome(client, message, channelID, GuildMember, embed = true, "custom join message"

These do not have any classes and are base functions you can use without importing a class


Feeling good and want to contribute? Join the Discord server
