
This package provides components to integrate Supabase with react-admin when using its default UI (ra-ui-materialui).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import raSupabaseUiMaterialui from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ra-supabase-ui-materialui';



This package provides components to integrate Supabase with react-admin when using its default UI (ra-ui-materialui).

In particular, this package provides components around Supabase authentication with the following workflow:

  1. You invite users from the Supabase Admin page.
  2. Users use the invite link they received by email.
  3. They arrive on a page where they can set their password.
  4. They can now login using their email and password.


// in supabase.js
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

export const supabase = createClient(SUPABASE_URL, SUPABASE_ANON_KEY);

// in dataProvider.js
import { supabaseDataProvider } from 'ra-supabase';
import { supabase } from './supabase';

const resources = {
    posts: ['id', 'title', 'body', 'author_id', 'date'],
    authors: ['id', 'full_name'],

export const dataProvider = supabaseDataProvider(supabase, resources);

// in authProvider.js
import { supabaseAuthProvider } from 'ra-supabase';
import { supabase } from './supabase';

export const authProvider = supabaseAuthProvider(supabase, {
    getIdentity: async user => {
        const { data, error } = await supabase
            .select('id, first_name, last_name')
            .match({ email: user.email })

        if (!data || error) {
            throw new Error();

        return {
            id: data.id,
            fullName: `${data.first_name} ${data.last_name}`,

// in App.js
import { Admin, Resource, ListGuesser } from 'react-admin';
import { authRoutes } from 'ra-supabase';
import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';

export const MyAdmin = () => (
        <Resource name="posts" list={ListGuesser} />
        <Resource name="authors" list={ListGuesser} />



This component provides a layout for authentication pages very similar to the one used in the default React Admin <LoginPage>. However, it does not check the user authentication status. It is used by both the <LoginPage> and <SetPasswordPage> provided by ra-supabase-ui-materialui.


This is ra-supabase-ui-materialui version of the <LoginPage> that redirects users to the admin home page if they are already logged in and displays the <LoginForm> otherwise. You may provide your own form by passing it as the <LoginPage> child.


This is ra-supabase-ui-materialui version of the <LoginForm> that contains an email and password fields. It is exported for you to reuse in a custom login page when needed.


This page allows invited users to set their password. It displays the <SetPasswordForm> by default but you may provide your own form by passing it as the <SetPasswordPage> child.


This is the form that actually allows users to set their password. It is exported for you to reuse in a custom set password page when needed. It leverages the useSetPassword hook from ra-supabase-core. It accepts an onSuccess and onFailure props just like the hook:

  • onSuccess: A function called when the set password operation succeeds. By default, it redirects users to the home page.
  • onFailure: A function called when the set password operation fails. By default, it display an error notification.
import { useLogout, useNotify, useRedirect } from 'react-admin';
import { SetPasswordPage, SetPasswordForm } from 'ra-supabase-ui-materialui';

const MySetPasswordPage = () => {
    const logout = useLogout();
    const notify = useNotify();
    const redirect = useRedirect();

    const handleSuccess = () => {
            'Your password is set. Please sign in using those new credentials'
        // Log out users so they are forced to use their new credentials

    const handleFailure = () => {
            'An error occurred while setting the password. Please ask the person who invited you to send a new link.'

    return (


  • Add support for magic link authentication
  • Add support for third party authentication