
easy couchdb data binding with mustache syntax

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ractiveCouch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ractive-couch';


Ractive Couch

Easy couchdb data binding with mustache syntax. Bind your mustache templates to a couchdb document, or view, and watch it get updated via the couchdb changes feed. Works in browser, nodejs, amd, commonjs, couchapps, and cors-couchapps.

Ractive Couch uses Ractive. If the use cases below dont work for you, it's easy to use Ractive to make something do what you want.



jam install ractive-couch

define(['ractive-couch'], function(RactiveCouch){
    // use it

Or npm/commonjs

npm install ractive-couch

var RactiveCouch = require('ractive-couch');
// use it

Or global javascript

<script type="text/javascript" src="ractive-couch"></script>
// use it


    var template = "<h2>{{doc.name}}</h2><ul>{{#doc.attendees}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/doc.attendees}}</ul>";

    var rdoc = new RactiveCouch.Doc('http://localhost:5984/test', '75015a3c312c02231e2b6b3da400ab40', {
        el: 'pane1',
        template: template

    var list = "<table>{{#rows}}<tr><td>{{doc.tag}}</td></tr>{{/rows}}</table>";

    var rview = new RactiveCouch.View('http://localhost:5984/test', 'app/all_people', {
        el: 'pane2',
        template: list,
        include_docs: true


Template a document, and change when doc changes

new RactiveCouch.Doc(couchdb_url, doc_id, options)

  • couchdb_url URL to a couch database. Can be a full url if couch is CORS enabled, or a relative url.
  • doc_id the document id to bind the template to, and watch for changes.
  • options for both Ractive and Couchr
    • el the element id do bind the template to
    • template the template to use
    • include_docs to use include docs for changes.

Template a view, and show create/updates/deletes to the view

new RactiveCouch.View(couchdb_url, view_name, options)

  • couchdb_url URL to a couch database. Can be a full url if couch is CORS enabled, or a relative url.
  • view_name the view to use. Format is either ddoc/viewname or _design/ddoc/_view/viewname.
  • options for both Ractive and Couchr
    • el the element id do bind the template to
    • template the template to use
    • include_docs to use include docs for changes.