
A tiny (178B) helper for playing, pausing, and setting requestAnimationFrame frame rates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rafps from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/rafps';


rafps codecov

A tiny (178B) helper for playing, pausing, and setting requestAnimationFrame frame rates.

This module is delivered as:


$ npm install --save rafps


import rafps from 'rafps';

// Run at 30fps
const ctx = rafps(frame => {
  console.log('Current frame:', frame);

  // Do animation things...

  // target hit, pause animation
  // .. or can run indefinitely
  if (frame >= 1e3) ctx.pause();
}, 30);

// Begin playback


rafps(draw, fps?)

Returns: RAFPS

Returns a new RAFPS instance which can toggle between play/pause states using the same draw and fps values.


Type: Function
Required: true

The callback function you want invoked at every "frame" tick.

It will receive one argument, frame (number), which is the current frame count since playback began.
The frame count starts at 0 and will increment indefinitely until paused. Once paused, frame will start from 0 once again.


Type: Number
Default: 60

The number of frames per second* to shoot for.
Put differently, this is the maximum number of times draw will be called per second.

Important: This is a time-based calculation, so it's a best guess solution!
Also, your true framerate will be at the mercy of your draw callback.
You should aim for lightweight operations that complete within 1ms.


Returns: void

Begin playback.
Your draw function will begin invocations, receiving a new frame (number) parameter. See draw for info.


Returns: void

Pause playback.


MIT © Luke Edwards