
CLI tool that generates and outputs random string of choice

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import randomGeneratorCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/random-generator-cli';


Random Generator CLI

version Test Master Status Test Dev Status weekly downloads license

Generates and prints a secure random string (and other types) to terminal.

We use a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator (CSPRNG, using crypto) for all the randomization and not Math.random.


Install the package globally to be able to use it in the terminal.

npm i -g random-generator-cli


$ random string

$ random array
3 7 10 1 2 4 6 8 5 9

$ random number 1 10

$ random float

$ random boolean

$ random pick a b c d e

$ random shuffle a b c d e
b d a e c


After installation, use random <command>, you can use random <command> -h to show help message related to that command, or use random -h to list all the available commands and options.


Available commands are [string, array, number, float, boolean, pick, shuffle], each of theses commands will be explained next.


Prints a random string with given length and type, also has the alias str.

String options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |---------|-------|--------|-----------|---------------------------------| | length | l | Number | 20 | String length | | type | t | Number | ascii | String type (see table below) |

And the supported types are: | Type | Description | Example | |-----------------|------------------------------------------------------|----------------------| | ascii (default) | Uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers | 8AlB9IUu7ptWqkp3tbeQ | | letters | Uppercase letters and lowercase letters | pPOzEvraFpVFJgCXPdXR | | numbers | Numbers (each character from 0 to 9) | 71110932458602457566 | | extended | Same as ascii plus the characters +-_$#/@! | fX#InRyripY@+f!Q7o7R | | base64 | Base 64 string | XU0tg2OW43GJCh5IrrX= | | hex | Hex number (with uppercase and lowercase characters) | 7bCCB51BEb9bDd61f6af |


$ random string -c 2

$ random string -l 15 -c 3 -t numbers

$ random str -t extendedarray 15 --pad
14 11 12 15 13 03 08 07 05 06 02 01 09 04 10

array [length]

Prints a shuffled array that starts at 1 by default, also accepts optional length argument that defaults to 10, and has the alias arr.

Note: the flag -0 can be used to indicate that the array should start at 0.

Array options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |-----------|-------|--------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | start | s | Number | 1 | Array starting position, overrides -0 if both are provided | | end | e | Number | - | Array ending, overrides length | | delimiter | d | String | ' ' | The delimiter that is printed between array numbers |

Array flags: | Flag | Alias | Default | Description | |-------------|-------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | startAtZero | 0 | false | Array elements start at 0, equivalent to -s 0 | | pad | - | false | Add zero-padding to small number, so all number have the same length |


$ random array
3 9 2 6 4 1 10 7 8 5

$ random array 5
4 1 5 3 2

$ random array 5 -0
2 0 4 1 3

$ random arr 5 -s 5
5 6 8 9 7

$ random arr -s 5 -e 10
5 9 6 10 7 8

$ random arr 5 -d ', '
4, 2, 5, 3, 1

$ random array 15 --pad
14 11 12 15 13 03 08 07 05 06 02 01 09 04 10

$ random array 5 --pad
1 2 5 4 3

number <min> <max>

Prints a random number between min and max, also has the aliases: [num, integer, int].


$ random number 1 20

$ random num 0 5

$ random int 100 1000


Prints a float number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

Float options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |-----------|-------|--------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------| | precision | p | Number | 10 | The desired precision of the floating point number |


$ random float

$ random float -p 5


Prints a random boolean, has the alias bool.

Boolean options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |--------|-------|--------|--------------|---------------------------------------------------| | type | t | String | true-false | Boolean type, types are listed in the table below |

Boolean types: | Type | Possible values | Example | |----------------------|-------------------|---------| | true-false (default) | [true, false] | true | | yes-no | [yes, no] | no | | numeric | [1, 0] | 1 |


$ random boolean

$ random boolean

pick <items..>

Prints a random item(s) from the given items

Boolean options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |-----------|-------|--------|---------|--------------------------------------------------| | number | n | Number | 1 | The number of items to chose, without repetition | | delimiter | d | String | ' ' | Delimiter that separates the chosen items |


$ random pick a1 a2 a3 a4

$ random pick a1 a2 a3 a4 -n 2
a4 a2

$ random pick a1 a2 a3 a4 -n 2 -d ', '
a2, a3

shuffle <items..>

Shuffles the given array of items

Boolean options: | Option | Alias | Type | Default | Description | |-----------|-------|--------|---------|---------------------------------------------| | delimiter | d | String | ' ' | Delimiter that separates the shuffled items |


$ random shuffle a1 a2 a3 a4
a2 a3 a4 a1

$ random shuffle a1 a2 a3 a4 -d '|'

Global Options

Option Alias Type Default Description
help h - - Show help message
version v - - Show package version
count c Number 1 Number of generated strings

Feature requests and bug reports

If you have a bug or have a goode idea for a new feature, please open an issue.