
Direct node wrappers over C++ librdkafka API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rdkafka from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/rdkafka';



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Node.js bindings for the C++ API of the librdkafka client for Apache Kafka messaging system. The library binds to the Producer and high-level KafkaConsumer and tries to mimic the API of librdkafka, returning promises where appropriate. This client requires Apache Kafka >0.9 and node.js >4

Example usage:

const kafka = require('rdkafka');

const producer = new kafka.Producer({
    'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092'

producer.produce('example_topic', 0, 'Test message')
.then(() => {    
    const consumer = new kafka.KafkaConsumer({
        'metadata.broker.list': 'localhost:9092',
        'group.id': 'my_group_id',
        'fetch.wait.max.ms': 1,
        'fetch.min.bytes': 1,
        'queue.buffering.max.ms': 1,
        'enable.auto.commit': false
    consumer.subscribe([ 'example_topic' ]);
    return consumer.consume()
    .then((message) => {
        console.log(`Got a message: \n` +
            `   topic: ${message.topicName}\n` +
            `   partition: ${message.partition}\n` +
            `   offset: ${message.offset}\n` +
            `   payload: ${message.payload.toString()}\n`);
        const commitRequest = new kafka.TopicPartition(message.topic, 
            message.offset + 1);
        return consumer.commit([ commitRequest ]);
    .then(() => {

API Documentation

Can be found here

Building with node-gyp

binding.gyp supports buidling with the local copy of librdkafka in deps/librdkafka, or on Linux with a globally installed librdkafka binaries and headers.

Building with the local copy of librdkafka is the default. Just do

git submodule update --init
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build

To build against a globally installed librdkafka (e.g. one installed with .deb packages), do

node-gyp --BUILD_LIBRDKAKFA=0 build