
A re-usable calendar component for react.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactAccessibleCalendar from '';



A re-usable calendar component for react.



The package can be installed via npm

npm install --save react-accessible-calendar

or via yarn

yarn add react-accessible-calendar

React should be included separately since that dependency is not included in the package. Below is the sample of how to use the Calendar in React.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Calendar } from 'react-accessible-calendar';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date()),
    min = '',
    max = '',
    blocked = [];
  return (
    <div className="App">
          selectedDate: date,
          min: min,
          max: max,
          blocked: blocked

export default App;


You can pass following props to personalize the Calendar

selectedDate: The user can pass the date, that needs to be highlighted.
min: The minimum date upto which the Calendar should be active. The 
dates are disabled beyond min date. By default, min date is present 
date. All the past dates are disabled.
max: The maximum date upto which the Calendar should be active. The 
dates are active only upto max date. The dates after max date are 
The min and max date can be a string in 'MM/DD/YYY' (eg: '01/01/2020') format or can 
be in this new Date('MM/DD/YYY') format.
blocked: In the latest release, this feature has been implemented. This parameter takes the
array of dates in which each date can be in 'MM/DD/YYYY' format or new Date('MM/DD/YYY')
format or mixture of both and those dates will be blocked in the calendar.
themeColor: The Calendar month-year header background color can
be changed using themeColor.
onDateChange: The user can call a function whenever a date is
selected from the calendar.


date-fns library has been used, which uses native Date objects.

Browser Support

It is compatible with latest versions of Chrome, Safari and IE10+.


The master branch contains the latest code of react-accessible-calendar. You can clone the repo and run

npm install
npm start

to run the app.


Keyboard support

  1. Up arrow key: Moves to previous week.
  2. Down arrow key: Moves to next week.
  3. Left arrow key: Moves to previous day.
  4. Right arrow key: Moves to next day.

Also, aria-labels have been added so that the screen readers can read the dates in month-day-year format.


You can see the demo here,
