
This library is a SVG based react component for displaying battery status, ultra lightweight, highly customizable with zero dependencies ## Live Demo [Click here]( ## Short Demo ![Short Demo](demo/demo1.gif)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactBatteryGauge from '';


React Battery Gauge

This library is a SVG based react component for displaying battery status, ultra lightweight, highly customizable with zero dependencies

Live Demo

Click here

Short Demo

Short Demo

Storybook Demo

Click here


Install it by running

npm install react-battery-gauge # or yarn add react-battery-gauge

Include the component:

import BatteryGauge from 'react-battery-gauge'

<BatteryGauge value={40} />


Name Description Default type
value Meter value range [0-maxValue(100)] 50 number
maxValue Meter max value 100 number
orientation Changes orientation, keeping text horizontal "horizontal" "horizontal"| "vertical"
padding Padding of gauge within canvas 5 number
size We don't like passing both width and height, can create unusual looking shape. Size will help gauge to achieve the desired size maintaining aspect ratio 300 number
aspectRatio Gauge aspect ratio, At padding 0 easy to create battery types -> D = 0.56, C = 0.52, AA = 0.28, AAA = 0.23, AAAA = 0.19 , default C battery 0.52 number
animated Enable animation on mount false boolean
charging Enable charging mode false boolean
customization All individual components customisation GaugeCustom Partial

Override any customization default values:

  batteryBody: {
    strokeWidth: 4,
    cornerRadius: 6,
    fill: 'none',
    strokeColor: '#111'
  batteryCap: {
    fill: 'none',
    strokeWidth: 4,
    strokeColor: '#111',
    cornerRadius: 2,
    capToBodyRatio: 0.4
  batteryMeter: {
    fill: 'green',
    lowBatteryValue: 15,
    lowBatteryFill: 'red',
    outerGap: 1,
    noOfCells: 1, // more than 1, will create cell battery
    interCellsGap: 1
  readingText: {
    lightContrastColor: '#111',
    darkContrastColor: '#fff',
    lowBatteryColor: 'red',
    fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
    fontSize: 14,
    showPercentage: true
  chargingFlash: {
    scale: undefined,
    fill: 'orange',
    animated: true,
    animationDuration: 1000



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