
rapid event emiter and listener hoc

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactContextEvent from '';



rapid event emitter and listener as hoc


npm npm

This lib contains HOC-functions witch provides into WrappedComponent ability to emit messages to parent components and subscribe for events from child components

1) withEvent(WrappedComponent)

WrappedComponent - your react class-component or functional-component

Implements the following functions into the component: on, emit

emit(Event, Message, userInfo(optional))

Sends a message to itself and all components above the hierarchy subscribed to Event example:

const EmitterComponent = withEvent({emit}) => (
    <button onClick={() => emit("paybutton:click", {amount:500, productId:1})}>Buy product 1</button>

on(Event, Handler)

subscribe component to ʻEventusing the callbackHandler`

Handler = (Message, Handler_of_parent_context_with_same_Event) => { /* process */ }


const HandlerComponent = withEvent(({on, emit, children}) => {
    on("paybutton:click", (data, next) => {
    return (

2) withEventState(WrappedComponent, StatefulSubscriptions)

Map subscriptions to props of WrappedComponent + all functions of HOC withEvent

WrappedComponent - your react class-component or functional-component

StatefullSubscriptions - object with keys like Event, values like [Handler(){}, initial_state]

const StatefullSubscriptions = [
    (prevState, message, next, emit) => { // `Handler`
        return "data from handled message which passed into the `WrappedComponent` Props by key `Event`"
    "" // `initial_state`

Implements the following props into the component: resetEventState, ...eventProps

resetEventState - function which resets eventProps to their initial_state

...eventProps - data received from handled messages


const HandlerComponent = withEventState({on, emit, resetEventState, children, ...eventProps}) => {
    on("paybutton:click", (data, next) => {
    return (
                    ? (<p>
                        Need more gold {eventProps['error:nomoney'].amountText}!
                        <button onClick={() => resetEventState('error:nomoney')}>ok</button>
                    : null
}, {
    "error:nomoney": [
        function (prevState, data, next, emit) {
            next({, handeled:true}); // you can change this message for parent components

            // the return value will be passed to props['error:nomoney']
            return {, amountText: "quot;+(data.amount/100) }; // 
        null // initial value of `props['error:nomoney']`,

3) setupEventContext

    log: function (`handleOn|handleEmit` `Event`, `ComponentName`, `userInfo`) {
    eventRootHandler: function (`Event`, `Message`, `userInfo`) {
        console.log("invoked whenever there is no one to handle the event.")