
React memo with functional props supports

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactEnhanceMemo from '';



React memo with functional props supports

Before passing a callback to memoized version of child component with React.memo(), we must wrap it by using React.useCallback() then pass the returned value from React.useCallback() as property.

When doing tunning performance with a lot of callback and dependencies, it takes a lot of time to make it in the right way. And the source code after turned into memoized version might lead to introduce new bug in the future if we don't update its dependencies properly.

This library aims to make the work of tuning performance easier by doing the magic trick. Just using the passing callback as normal props as usual, it'll do the rest of work. By giving an unchanged version of passing callback, it prevents unnecessary re-render in memoized child component while still maintaining the latest closure context of the given passing callback from parent component.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save react-enhance-memo


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { withMemo } from 'react-enhance-memo'

type ChildProps = {
  getCounter: () => void

const ChildComponent = (props: ChildProps) => {
  const { getCounter } = props
  const ref = React.useRef<number>(-1)
  const counter = getCounter()

  return (
      Counter: {counter}
      <div>Rendered: {ref.current} times</div>

const MemoChildComponent = withMemo(ChildComponent)

const ParentComponent = () => {
  const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0)

  const getCounter = React.useCallback(() => {
    return counter
  }, [counter])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
      setCounter((prevState) => prevState + 1)
    }, 1000)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  return (
        <div>Child component</div>
        <ChildComponent getCounter={getCounter} />
      <hr />
        <div>Memo child component</div>
        <MemoChildComponent getCounter={getCounter} />


  • propsAreEqual: Custom equality check of props. Default is does a shallow comparison of props and objects of props as React.memo().

    Or any function from


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