
Routing library for React. Works with JSON AJAX responses (native fetch object). The router uses page types (derived from the response), rather than URL paths.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactFetchRouter from '';



Routing library for React. Works with JSON AJAX responses (native fetch object). The router uses page types (derived from the response), rather than URL paths.


Install with npm:

$ npm i --save react-fetch-router

For the client side, use polyfills for fetch and Promise:

import 'react-fetch-router/polyfills';

Library components and functions

Component Description
<Router/> The common low-level interface for all router components.
<Route/> Basic component for render some UI when a request page type matches the route page type path.
<RouteDefault/> The default component for render some UI when the type of the request page does not correspond to any of the above components of the <Route/>.
<Link/> Provides declarative, accessible navigation around your application.
<Form/> Submitting form data to your application.
RouterContext Global context. See the React Context documentation.
constants Library constants for types and queries.
query A wrapper for the native fetch object.
createReduxReducer Integration with the redux library. Creates a new reducer. As arguments, the function accepts current store object, context, and hook function for redirection.
createRouterAction Create custom router action.
createClientContext(options = {}) Creates a value for the client side of RouterContext object.
createServerContext(options = {}) Creates a value for the server side of RouterContext object.

Documentation and full description will appear later. Coming soon... Maybe :)