
A React extension for flux-state

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactFluxState from '';


React Flux State

React bindings to flux-state Library

This package ads a subscribe method to the standard React Component to avoid the unsubscribe boilerplate from the library, AKA: it does the unsubscribe for you


  1. Run on your terminal the following command:
$ npm i --save-dev react-flux-state
  1. To import the library anywhere you would like to use it:
import View from 'react-flux-state';

Let's build a Flux Workflow for authentication

1) First, declare your Store

import Flux from 'flux-state';

// Declare the events as constants. They are exported for reference in the subscriptions
export const LOGOUT = 'onLogout';
export const LOGIN = 'onLogin';

class SessionStore extends Flux.DashStore{
        // Declare an Event
        // Or Declare an event with some imutable transformation logic
        this.addEvent(LOGIN, (state) => {
            // Do something with the data before propagating the Event
            return Object.assign(state, {"key": "value"})
        // Or Declare an event with some plain transformation logic
        this.addEvent(LOGIN, (state) => {
            state.some_other_property = "Some other Data";
            return Object.assign(state, {"key": "value"})
export default new SessionStore();

2) Registering with the Store changes

import React from 'react';
import SessionStore, {LOGIN, LOGOUT} from '/path/to/store';
import View from 'react-flux-state';

class View extends View {
      componentDidMount() {
          this.subscribe(SessionStore, LOGIN, (state) => {
              // Do something usefull with the Event Data
              const userName =;
          // Register some method
          this.subscribe(SessionStore, LOGOUT, this.logOutEvent);

      logOutEvent = (state) => {
        //DO something with the state or the state of the Store
        const storeState = SessionStore.getState()

3) Define some action that will trigger the event

import Flux from 'flux-state';
import {LOGIN, LOGOUT} from '/path/to/store';

const authenticateAction = (username, password)=> {
      // Don't forget to Validate the data ex: username !=== undefined
      let dataToSave = {
          authenticated: true
      Flux.dispatchEvent(LOGIN, dataToSave)

export default {authenticateAction};
