
Fetch with Axios and render

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactFnr from '';



react-fnr is a tool for making http requests with Axios and render the result, error and more.


Using npm:

npm install react-fnr

Using yarn:

yarn add react-fnr


After installing, just run:

npm start

Or if you are using yarn:

yarn run start

navigate to http://localhost:12210 to see a test.


Requiring module:

// es6
import FNR from 'react-fnr';
// es5
const FNR = require('react-fnr');

Using HTML script tag:

<!-- Use this for production -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- And this one for development -->
<script src=""></script>

Example Code

import React from 'react';
import FNR from 'react-fnr';

const Example = (props) => {
    return (
        <FNR url={props.url} method='get' component={
            (data) => {
                return <p>{data}</p>
        } loadingComponent={
            () => {
                return <div>Loading...</div>;
        } errorComponent={
            () => {
                return <div>An error occurred. please try again later.</div>;
        } />


| name | description | type | default value | required | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | | url | url to send request to | string (url) | - | ✔️ | | method | request method | get, post, head, connect, put, patch, delete, options, trace | get | ❌ | | component | Component should be rendered after the server response | PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func | - | ✔️ | | loadingComponent | Component should be rendered before the server response (loading message) | PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func | - | ❌ | | errorComponent | Component should be rendered if there was any error in request (if the status code us not 200) | PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func | - | ❌ | | config | axios config for request (url, method and data are overridden!) | object | {} | ❌ |
