
A future/experimental build of React with features and functionality being added/considered for a future version of React. This build follows master, which means it is up-to-date and passes unit tests but is not as stable as a stable release.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactFuture from '';



An npm package to get you immediate access to React, without also requiring the JSX transformer. This is especially useful for cases where you want to browserify your module using React.

Note: by default, React will be in development mode. The development version includes extra warnings about common mistakes, whereas the production version includes extra performance optimizations and strips all error messages.

To use React in production mode, set the environment variable NODE_ENV to production. A minifier that performs dead-code elimination such as UglifyJS is recommended to completely remove the extra code present in development mode.

Example Usage

var React = require('react');

// Addons are in separate packages:
var createFragment = require('react-addons-create-fragment');
var immutabilityHelpers = require('react-addons-update');
var CSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group');

For a complete list of addons visit the addons documentation page.