is a permission/authentication solution for React
application built on top of React Router
and Redux
The Goal
provides a backend-independent solution, you can even choose not to use a backend at all.
This library provides a React component called Gate
, as the name suggest, you can use the component to deny the access to certain parts of your application according to provided configuration.
The package was thought to be frankly declarative and easy to set up.
Getting Started
yarn add react-gate
Import the Initializer
object and the Gate
import { Initializer, Gate } from 'react-gate';
Configure the Library giving an AuthConfig
object to the Initializer
const GateConfig = {
roles: ['admin', 'basic'],
roleSelector: state => state.user.role,
loginSelector: state =>,
redirectPath: '/noauth',
permissions: [
name: 'canWrite', predicates: [state => state.user.canWrite, state => state.user.canWrite2],
name: 'canRead',
predicates: [state => state.user.canRead, state => state.user.canRead2],
const GateInstance = new Initializer(GateConfig);
Retrieve the ReactGate
reducer and mount to your existing reducer with the key authProvider
const { authReducer } = GateInstance.reduxConfig();
const store = createStore(
combineReducers({ user: userReducer, authProvider: authReducer }),
Route locking
The Gate
component protects the auth route, in this example is configured to consent access only to logged user.
render={props => (
<Gate onlyLogin >
<Protected {...props} />
See the Docs for futher details
Want to contribute?
See the Contribution section of the docs