
Simple React Component to add GitHub Ribbon for your React Application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactGithubRibbons from '';


React GitHub Ribbons

Simple React Component to add GitHub Ribbon for your React Application.



$ yarn add react-github-ribbons


import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import GitHubRibbon from 'react-github-ribbons';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <GitHubRibbon href="" />

Ribbon color & position

We can change the color and position

// Default
<GitHubRibbon href="" color="black" position="right"/>

// Orange and left
<GitHubRibbon href="" color="orange" position="left" />

// White and right
<GitHubRibbon href="" color="white" position="right" />

Link parameters

The component will proxy a tag properties.

  rel="noopener noreferrer"

And you can import the property types.

import GitHubRibbon, { GitHubRibbonProps } from 'react-github-ribbons';

const App = () => {
  const props: GitHubRibbonProps = {
    target: "_blank",
    rel: "noopener noreferrer",
    className: "a-tag-link",
    href: "",
    color: "orange",
    position: "left",
  return (
      <GitHubRibbon {...props} />


TSDX scaffolds your new library inside /src, and also sets up a Parcel-based playground for it inside /example.

The recommended workflow is to run TSDX in one terminal:

npm start # or yarn start

This builds to /dist and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside src causes a rebuild to /dist.

Then run the example inside another:

cd example
npm i # or yarn to install dependencies
npm start # or yarn start

The default example imports and live reloads whatever is in /dist, so if you are seeing an out of date component, make sure TSDX is running in watch mode like we recommend above. No symlinking required, we use Parcel's aliasing.

To do a one-off build, use npm run build or yarn build.

To run tests, use npm test or yarn test.

Using the Playground

cd example
npm i # or yarn to install dependencies
npm start # or yarn start

The default example imports and live reloads whatever is in /dist, so if you are seeing an out of date component, make sure TSDX is running in watch mode like we recommend above. No symlinking required!