
It's build around the idea of a framework to roll you own GMI.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactGmi from '';


🔌 Guillotina Management Interface

It's build around the idea of a framework to roll you own GMI.

Provides an interface to access all Guillotina content depending on user permissions and allowing you to apply actions like create/modify/remove content, UI interactions like displaying flash messages, etc.

All this with the flexibility to build it your way, adding your own content with your forms, your icons, etc. It's build around the idea to act as a framework, layer that could be extended from outside.


  • React +16.12.0


Alpha version. The app is usable, but still needs some love.

Roll your own guillotina

With create react app

npx create-react-app gmi_demo
cd gmi_demo

yarn add @guillotinaweb/react-gmi


import React from 'react'
import { Layout } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { Auth } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { Guillotina } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { Login } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { getClient } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { ClientProvider } from '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi'
import { useState } from 'react'
import '@guillotinaweb/react-gmi/dist/css/style.css'

// guillotina url
let url = 'http://localhost:8080/'

const auth = new Auth(url)
const client = getClient(url, auth)

function App() {
  const [isLogged, setLogged] = useState(auth.isLogged)

  // You can do whatever you want on login, this includes,
  // if you have a router, move it to it's user home folder,
  // or the root...
  const onLogin = () => {
  const onLogout = () => setLogged(false)

  auth.onLogout = onLogout

  return (
    <ClientProvider client={client}>
      <Layout auth={auth} onLogout={onLogout}>
        {isLogged && <Guillotina auth={auth} url={url} />}
        {!isLogged && (
          <div className="columns is-centered">
            <div className="columns is-half">
              <Login onLogin={onLogin} auth={auth} />

export default App

To add icons:

Add the icons to the default public/index.html header

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
+ <script defer src=""></script>
      content="Web site created using create-react-app"
  • Copy guillotina logo to your public
curl > public/logo.svg



run a local guillotina
yarn start



This project is sponsored by Vinissimus Wine Shop