a react component to visualize interactive directed and weighted graphs easily.
npm install --save react-graph-visualizer
1. Demo
the Demo contains five code examples with their results.
2. The debt settler app
the Debt settler is react app made using the react-graph-visualizer.
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import Graph from "react-graph-visualizer";
function App() {
const graphRef = useRef();
const [graph, setGraph] = useState({
nodes: [
name: "A",
id: 1
name: "B",
id: 2
links: [
source: 1,
target: 2,
label: "A-B"
return (
export default App;
to change the graph data call the function setGraph as follow.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | / | component id, required when using multiple component in the same page. |
initialGraph | object | {nodes:[],links:[]} |
Graph initial data |
initialGraph.nodes | Array | [] | The nodes array of objects {name:string, id:number, img=string} |
initialGraph.links | Array | [] | The links array of objects {source:number, target:number, label:string} |
width | number | 700 | the vertical length of the component. |
height | number | 500 | the horizontal length of the component. |
ref | Ref object | / | The ref object to use to change graph data. |
backgroundColor | string | #e5e6e7 | The component background color. |
linkStyle.directed | boolean | true | Specifies the type of the graph, directed or undirected. |
linkStyle.distance | number | 300 | The length of the links, or the distance between the nodes. |
linkStyle.color | string | black | Links color: "red", "orange", "#000", "#e5e6e7" |
nodeStyle.radius | number | 30 | The radius of nodes. |
nodeStyle.borderWidth | number | 0 | The width of the nodes borders. |
nodeStyle.borderColor | string | black | The color of the nodes border. |
nodeStyle.background | string | black | The color of the nodes background. |
nameStyle.size | number | 20 | The size of the nodes name. |
nameStyle.color | string | black | The nodes name color |
nameStyle.x | string | center | The horizontal position of the nodes name: left, right, center. |
nameStyle.y | string | bottom | The vertical position of the nodes name: bottom, top. | | boolean | false | Show or hide labels. |
labelStyle.size | number | 10 | The size of the labels. |
labelStyle.color | string | black | The color of the labels |
npm install
cd example && npm install
npm start
cd example && npm start
in a diffrent terminal.
MIT © NadirTellai