
A headless phone number input component built for usability.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHeadlessPhoneInput from '';


React Headless Phone Input

A headless phone number input component built for usability.

Phone numbers are hard. Users expect to be able to enter phone numbers in the format they're used to. Here's the problem: most people are used to national - or even local phone number formats. If you offload phone number validation to your backend (or an API), resolving the ambiguity becomes difficult or even impossible.

This component helps you build a UI that gracefully guides your users towards unambiguous phone number formats. And you get the result in standard e164 format: ready for use with any telephony service.

Other libraries are generally heavy (phone number rulesets can be big - 99.1% of this library's footprint is due to libphonenumber-js), force you to use their UI, and can't handle copy & paste or edit-in-place. react-headless-phone-input is designed for usability-first, and lets you bring your own input components. In fact, your existing input fields will almost certainly work with no modifications. Plus, it supports optional lazy-loading with progressive enhancement powered by React Suspense.

Built with React Hooks.



Install both react-headless-input and libphonenumber-js:

npm i --save react-headless-phone-input libphonenumber-js


yarn add react-headless-phone-input libphonenumber-js


  • 100% headless: Bring your own UI. You can use almost any input component you already have
  • Lets users copy & paste phone numbers of any format
  • Typescript support
  • Built-in lazy-loading with progressive enhancement (clocks in at 40KB without lazy-loading)
  • Detects the associated country, enabling international phone input.
  • Lets users copy & paste phone numbers of any format
  • Acts like a normal input: Doesn’t glitch if a user edits in-place or deletes template characters
  • Validates number plausibility
  • External state is standard e164 format


This library is headless: you bring your own UI, but it's almost as easy as using regular inputs.

Here's an example using tiny-flag-react to show the flag associated with the number's country:

import TinyFlagReact from "tiny-flag-react";
import PhoneFormatter from "react-headless-phone-input";
// import PhoneFormatter from "react-headless-phone-input/lazy"; RECOMMENDED

const [e164, setE164] = useState("");

<PhoneFormatter defaultCountry="US" value={e164} onChange={setE164}>
  {({ country, impossible, onBlur, onChange, inputValue }) => (
      <div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
            fontSize: "24px",
          onChange={(e) => onChange}
      {impossible && (
        <div style={{ color: "red" }}>Impossible phone number</div>



Due to this library's dependence on libphonenumber-js, it clocks in at 38.7KB minified + gzipped. To improve your user's experience, react-headless-phone-component supports lazy loading with React Suspense with progressive auto-enachement. If your bundler supports dynamic imports and are using a compatible version of React, just swap react-headless-phone-input for react-headless-phone-input/lazy.

Your UI will render and can be used immediately. Once react-headless-phone-input loads, the component will be automatically upgraded. No other changes are required.

import PhoneFormatter from "react-headless-phone-input/lazy";
