
A simple hook to hide and show your site's menubar when scrolling.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHideandseekmenu from '';



npm version

A simple React hook to hide and show your site's menubar when scrolling.

GIF showing react-hideandseekmenu


🪝React Hook


Install with NPM:

npm install react-hideandseekmenu --save



import { useHideAndSeekMenu } from 'react-hideandseekmenu'

You use this hook by passing in a ref. The hook will handle all the "hide and seek styling" for you by accessing and setting inline-styles. You can pass in some options to change the CSS and behaviour of the menu hiding & showing.

    ref: yourRef
import { useHideAndSeekMenu } from 'react-hideandseekmenu'
import { useRef } from 'react'

const Navigation = () => {
    const navref = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
        ref: navref,
        offset: 120,
        transitionDuration: 0.3,

    return (
        <Nav ref={navref} />

The hook will then handle the "hide and seek styling" of your navigation bar.

Default stylings

position: sticky;
transition: top 0.3s ease;
top: 0;


These options can be passed to the useHideAndSeekMenu hook:

Option Type Default Description
offset number 90 The offset at which the menu should disappear
debounceTime number 10 The debounce time for the hook to be fired
ref RefObject undefined Pass a ref to the hook to let the hook handle all the "hide and seek styling"
transitionDuration number 0.3 Set a transition duration for the CSS transition property
transitionTimingFunction string ease Set a transition timing function for the CSS transition property