
A themr builder for react-higgs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHiggsThemr from '';


React Higgs Themr


npm install react-higgs-themr or yarn add react-higgs-themr


This NPM package is forked from react-higgs-themr at commit #2ee99. See more details at JIRA

List of components


Step to add new component

  1. Add new component identifiers to src/constants.js, eg. BREADCRUMB
  2. Find new component dependencies, add all to src/getDependencies.js, eg. BREADCRUMB: [ 'MENU' ]
  3. Add theme.css path for new component to src/getPath.js, eg. BREADCRUMB: '/breadcrumb/theme.css'
  4. Build and release new version.

Migrate from react-toolbox-themr

  1. Update react-higgs to latest version.
  2. Uninstall react-toolbox-themr, npm uninstall react-toolbox-themr
  3. Install new react react-higgs-themr, npm install react-higgs-themr
  4. Update project package.json
  "scripts": {
-     "toolbox": "react-toolbox-themr"
+     "toolbox": "react-higgs-themr"
  "reactToolbox": {
    "include": [
+       "GRID",
+       "EXPANSION",
+       "PAGINATION"
  1. Re-run npm run toolbox, all set!