
This is a typescript, hook using shopping cart lib, that I'm hopeful will help a few people out.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHookCart from '';



npm npm

🛒 This is a typescript, hook using shopping cart lib, persistent by default, that I'm hopeful will help a few people out.

📦 Installation

$ npm install react-hook-cart

📖 Example

Check out the Demo.


🔗 CartProvider

This is a Provider Component to wrapper around your entire app(or a section of it) in order to create context for the cart.

  • storage can take other methods to store cart, default uses localStorage.
import { CartProvider } from "react-hook-cart";

  <App />

🔗 useCart()

Function to expose cart functionality

import { useCart } from "react-hook-cart";

const { items, isEmpty, totalCost, addItem, removeItem, clearCart } = useCart();

🔗 items

items in an Item array

import { useCart } from "react-hook-cart";

const { items } = useCart();

const ShowCart = () => {
  return (
        { => (

🔗 addItem(Item, quantity)

Adds the item to the items array

  • Item is an object {id: string, price: number}, it can have additional properties {id: string, price: number, name:"example"}

  • quantity is a number, but optional. Default value is 1

const { addItem } = useCart();

  return (
    <button onClick={()=>addItem({id: "Br73s", price: 5}, 2)}>Add 2 bread for 5 USD each</button>

🔗 removeItem(id)

Removes all of the items with that id.

  • id is a string
const { removeItem } = useCart();

  return (
    <button onClick={()=>removeItem("Br73s")}>Remove items</button>

🔗 updateItem(id, updates)

updateItem updates the item with the updates object.

  • id is a string

  • updates is an object

const { updateItem } = useCart();

  return (
    <button onClick={()=>updateItem("Br73s", { size: "Large" })}>Make it a large bread!</button>

🔗 updateItemQuantity(id, quantity)

updateItemQuantity changes the quantity of an item to the exact quantity given.

  • id is a string

  • quantity is a number

const { updateItemQuantity } = useCart();

  return (
    <button onClick={()=>updateItemQuantity("Br73s", 5)}>Set item amount to 5</button>

🔗 clearCart()

clearCart() empties the cart, and resets the state.

const { clearCart } = useCart();

  return (
    <button onClick={()=>clearCart()}>Empty the cart!</button>

🔗 isEmpty

A quick and easy way to check if the cart is empty.

  • isEmpty is a boolean.
const { isEmpty } = useCart();

  return (
    <p>The cart is {isEmpty ? "empty" : "not empty"}</p>

🔗 getItem(id)

Get item with that id.

  • id is a string
const { getItem } = useCart();

  const item = getItem("Br73s")}>


🔗 inCart(id)

Quickly check if an item is in the cart.

  • id is a string

  • returns a boolean

const { inCart } = useCart();

  const itemWasInCart = inCart("Br73s")}>


🔗 totalItems

The total amount of items in the cart.

  • totalItems is a number
const { totalItems } = useCart();

  return (
    <p>There are {totalItems} in the cart</p>

🔗 totalUniqueItems

The total amount of unique items in the cart.

  • totalUniqueItems is a number
const { totalUniqueItems } = useCart();

  return (
    <p>There are {totalUniqueItems} in the cart</p>

🔗 totalCost

The total cost of all the items in the cart.

  • totalCost is a number
const { totalCost } = useCart();

  return (
    <p>The total cost of the cart is: {totalCost}</p>