
A simple way to create shared state using the hook API from React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHookSharedState from '';



A simple way to create shared state using the hook API from React.

Requires at least React 16.7.0


yarn add react-hook-shared-state


import createSharedState from 'react-hook-shared-state'

const [useSharedState, setSharedState] = createSharedState('initial state')

 * The state of every component will be assigned the same value.
const MyComponent = () => {
  const state = useSharedState()
  return (
      onClick={() => setSharedState(state => state.replace('initial', 'new'))}



Returns a tuple with two functions in this order:

  • useSharedState() - Use this in your component. This will return the current state and cause your component to rerender when a new state is set.
  • setSharedState(nextState | (previousState) => nextState) - Call this function to set the new shared state. You can also pass a function which will receive the previous state as a parameter and returns the next state.