
Easily subscribe to events in React Hooks.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHooksEventSubscriber from '';



Easily subscribe to events in React Hooks.


Consider the following code:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'

const handleClick = e => {
    // Some logic to handle the click event.

const handleEscapeKey = e => {
    if (e.key === 'Escape') {
        // Some logic to handle the Escape key.

const MyComponent = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        // Let's subscribe to couple of events
        window.addEventListener('click', handleClick)
        window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscapeKey)

        return () => {
            window.removeEventListener('click', handleClick)
            window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEscapeKey)

    return (
        <>{/* ... */}</>

But, when the number of listeners go up, this becomes very hard to maintain. It is also error prone (Did I unsubscribe from keydown or keydwon? Did I even remember to unsubscribe?).

Instead you can do:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { hookAllWindowListeners } from 'react-hooks-event-subscribe'

// Let handleClick and handleEscapeKey be same as above

const MyComponent = () => {
        click: handleClick,
        keydown: handleEscapeKey,
    return (
        <>{/* ... */}</>

But really, you don't need to use this library exclusively with react. If you want to handle subscribing and unsubscribing to events with vanilla JS in a control manner, you could do something like this:

// Add event handlers on multiple events
const cleanupEventListeners = hookAllWindowListeners({
    click: handleClick,
    keydown: handleEscapeKey,

// ... Optionally, much later in the code, you can clean up


hookListener(target, eventName, eventHandler)

Returns a function that could be passed to the useEffect hook and handles subscribing and unsubscribing. E.g.:

hookListener(window, 'click', e => {
    // Do something with the event.

hookWindowListener(eventName, eventHandler)

A shorthand to subscribe to events emitted by window. Above example in hookListener can be rewritten as:

// No need to specify `window`
hookWindowListener('click', e => {
    // Do something with the event.

hookAllListeners(target, listenerMap)

Like hookListener, but allows you to subscribe to multiple events by specifying event names and listeners as key-value pairs in an object literal. E.g.:

hookAllListeners(window, {
    mousedown: e => { /* ... */ },
    mouseup: e => { /* ... */ },


A shorthand to subscribe to multiple events emitted by window. Above example in hookAllListeners can be rewritten as:

// No need to specify `window`
    mousedown: e => { /* ... */ },
    mouseup: e => { /* ... */ },