
React hook for creating input values. Implement two-way binding of data.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactHooksInputBind from '';



React hook for creating input values. Implement two-way binding of data.

Note: This is using the new React Hooks API Proposal which is subject to change until React 16.7 final. You'll need to install react, react-dom, etc at ^16.7.0-alpha.0


npm install react-hooks-input-bind
npm install react@^16.7.0-alpha.0 react-dom@^16.7.0-alpha.0


import React from 'react';
import useBind from 'react-hooks-input-bind';

export default () => {
    const [state, bind] = useBind({
        name: 'hello',
        age: '20',

    return (
            <input {} />

            <input {...bind.age} />

The initial value can also be a string, an array, a numeric value, and so on.

const [state, bind] = useBind('hello');
<input {...bind} />

const [state, bind] = useBind(20);
<input {...bind} />

const [state, bind] = useBind(['hello', 20]);

<input {...bind[0]} />
<input {...bind[1]} />