What is it?
Alternative to JSX, a simple wrapper around React.createElement supporting emmet style classes and id declaration.
h("", {className: ["notice"]}, [
h("form#comment", {}, [
h("input", {type: "text"}, []),
h("button.button-submit", {}, "Submit")
The snippet above will give the following HTML if rendered:
<div class="info-form">
<form id="comment">
<input type="text">
<button class="button-submit">Submit</button>
There is only one method exposed : h.
Its type definition is:
function h(
componentOrTag: React.ComponentClass<any> | string,
props: Object,
children: Array<string | React.DOMElement<any>> | string
): React.DOMElement<any>;
All the params are mandatory, even if it's just empty.
If you are using typescript, this will be enforced for you, otherwise it will throw exceptions.
The string for a tag needs to start with the tag name (for example div) and can contain classes and id:
// OK
- div -> <div>
- div.something -> <div class="something">
- div#main -> <div id="main">
- #main -> wrong
- .something -> wrong
I originally found react-hyperscript but it was depending on virtual-hyperscript for something that is ultimately quite simple.
This library also has mandatory parameters instead of optional ones to enforce consistency.