React hyper tree
Fully customizable tree view react component
Welcome to the react hyper tree component 😄 I want to introduce you to an awesome react component for displaying tree data structure
- render tree-like data structure
- show/hide lines
- fully custom component by providing render functions (node and drag zone) or custom class names
- tree management by global utility (treeHandlers)
- single/multiple node selection
- async loading of children
- drag and drop using 3 types of insertion (before, children, after)
Table of contents
Live demo is available!
react-hyper-modal library
Check alsoInstallation
package managers
You can use $ npm i --save react-hyper-tree
$ yarn add react-hyper-tree
Simple Usage
import React from 'react'
import Tree, { useTreeState } from 'react-hyper-tree'
const data = {
id: 1,
name: 'Parent 1',
children: [
id: 2,
name: 'Child 1',
children: [
id: 5,
name: 'Child 1__1',
id: 6,
name: 'Child 1__2',
id: 7,
name: 'Child 1__3',
const MyTreeComponent = () => {
const { required, handlers } = useTreeState({
id: 'your_tree_id',
return (
Props | Description |
classes? | object with elements class names |
data | nodes data, provided by required prop |
depthGap? | children indentation related to parent |
disableHorizontalLines? | disable horizontal lines |
disableLines? | disable all lines |
disableVerticalLines? | disable vertical lines |
disableTransitions? | disable transitions (improves performance) |
displayedName? | format node content, if you use default node renderer |
draggable?: | enable draggable mode |
gapMode? | indentation mode |
horizontalLineStyles? | horizontal line styles, SVG properties |
renderDragZone? | function to render your custom drag zone |
renderNode? | function to render your custom node |
setOpen? | open node children, provided by handlers prop |
setSelected? | select node, provided by handlers prop |
staticNodeHeight? | set static height of node, otherwise dynamic height will be used |
verticalLineOffset? | vertical line offset related to parent |
verticalLineStyles? | vertical line styles, SVG properties |
verticalLineTopOffset? | vertical line top offset |
useTreeState API
useTreeState React hook includes the state management functionality. It prepares and transforms the data to use all functionality of the Node API.
useTreeState input
Property | Description |
childrenKey? | set the children key, e.g. 'children' |
data | tree-like data |
defaultOpened? | if true, all parent will be opened |
filter? | function to filter tree nodes |
id | tree id, required |
idKey? | set the data id key, e.g. 'id' |
multipleSelect? | if true, a several nodes can be selected |
sort? | function to sort tree nodes |
useTreeState output
Property | Description |
handlers | handlers to manipulate node state. setOpen, setLoading, setSelected, setChildren, setRawChildren |
instance | tree view instance including all tree methods |
required | includes enhanced tree structure |
Actually TreeView component is a renderer. It hasn't any functionality to manipulate of tree state.
Node API
Method | Description | Typings |
getChildren | returns node children or empty array | () => TreeNode[] |
getData | returns raw node data | () => any |
getFirstChild | returns the first child | () => TreeNode | null |
getLastChild | returns the last child | () => TreeNode | null |
getPath | get node path | (array?: boolean) => string |
hasChildren | returns true if node has atleast one child | () => boolean |
isLoading | returns true if node is loading | () => boolean |
isOpened | returns true if node is opened | () => boolean |
isSelected | returns true if node is selected | () => boolean |
setChildren | a simple equivalent of setNodeChildren | (children: TreeNode[]) => void |
setData | sets node data | (data?: any) => void |
setLoading | set node loading | (loading?: boolean) => void |
setNodeChildren | insert node children | (children: TreeNode[], type?: InsertChildType, reset?: boolean) => TreeNode[] |
setOpened | set node opened | (opened?: boolean) => void |
setParent | set node parent | (parent?: TreeNode) => void |
setSelected | set node selected | (selected?: boolean) => void |
getPath | get node path | (array?: boolean) => string | string[] |
getReactKey | returns calculated property for react key | () => string |
Global state manager
The main goal to implement the tree view library was a simple usage and global tree manager.
Actually, global state manager (GSM) is represented as treeHandlers object. It has all instances of trees in the project.
Every time you use useTreeState hook. It will create a new TreeView instance and add the instance to treeHandlers object.
The GSM structure
The GSM object has the one property trees.
type Handler = (...args: any[]) => any
interface IHandlers {
[key: string]: Handler;
interface ITreeItem {
instance: TreeView;
handlers: IHandlers;
interface ITrees {
[key: string]: ITreeItem;
trees: ITrees
When you use useTreeState with the tree id, it will add tree instance to GSM. To access to tree instance you should do the next:
import { treeHandlers } from 'react-hyper-tree'
You can use the full tree instance functionality from the GSM. Also the GSM has the handlers property for every tree instance.
Every tree has a default set of methods to manipulate the data
Method | Descriptipn | Typings |
rerender | rerender the tree component | (callback? () => void) => void |
setLoading | set loading property | (node: TreeNode | string | number, loading?: boolean) => void |
setOpen | set opened property | (node: TreeNode | string | number) => void |
setOpenByPath | set opened by path | (path: string) => void |
setRawChildren | set node children, use it if you have a raw children data | (parent: TreeNode | string | number, children: IData[], type?: InsertChildType, reset?: boolean) => void |
setChildren | set node children, use it if you have an enhanced children data | (parent: TreeNode | string | number, children: TreeNode[], type?: InsertChildType, reset?: boolean) => void |
setSelected | set selected property | (node: TreeNode | string | number, selected?: boolean) => void |
setSelectedByPath | set selected by path | (path: string, all: boolean) => void |
setSiblings | set node siblings | (node: TreeNode | string | number, siblings: TreeNode[], type: InsertSiblingType) => void |
To call any method you should do the next:
import { treeHandlers } from 'react-hyper-tree'
treeHandlers API
Method | Description | Typings |
getIds | get trees ids | () => string[] |
remove | remove tree from the GSM | (id: string): TreeHandlers |
removeHandler | remove handler from the tree | removeHandler(treeId: string, handlerName: string): TreeHandlers |
safeUpdate | add or update tree in the GSM | safeUpdate(id: string, tree: TreeView) => TreeHandlers |
safeUpdateHandler | add or update tree handler | safeUpdateHandler(treeId: string, handlerName: string, handler: Handler): TreeHandlers |
You can also use treeHandlers like call chain
.safeUpdateHandler(id, 'setLoading', setLoading)
.safeUpdateHandler(id, 'setSelected', setSelected)
.safeUpdateHandler(id, 'setRawChildren', setRawChildren)
.safeUpdateHandler(id, 'setChildren', setChildren)
Async children
You also can use loadable children. To enable the feature you should provide getChildren function to node data
const getChildren = ({ node }) => {
return getChildrenByParentId(
const data = {
id: 1,
name: 'Parent 1',
getChildren function can return Promise and resolve the children data in format like this:
const getChildren = () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve([
id: 2,
name: 'Child',
]), 1000))
You can also fire any events like redux-actions in the getChildren function. In this case you can set the children by the GSM
Default properties
export const defaultProps = {
childrenKey: 'children',
classes: {} as ClassesType,
depthGap: 20,
displayedName: (node: TreeNode) =>,
filter: () => true,
gapMode: 'margin' as const,
horizontalLineStyles: { stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 1, strokeDasharray: '1 1' },
idKey: 'id',
opened: [],
verticalLineOffset: 5,
verticalLineStyles: { stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 1, strokeDasharray: '1 1' },
verticalLineTopOffset: 0,
Road map
- Coverage by tests
- Inner improvements and extending functionality
- Documentation improvements
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.