
Install the tool.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactI18nTools from '';


React i18n Tools

Getting Started

Install the tool.

npm install --save react-i18n-tools

Then create a .i18nconfig file in the root of the project you would like to internationalize. Populate it with the content below, changing it as you see fit.

  "outputDirectory": "modules/translations/",
  "locales": [
  "rootComponentDirectory": "components/"

Initialize the Translated Text (<Trext />) component by passing it a component to wrap text with.

import { Text } from 'react-native'
import { Trext } from 'react-i18n-tools'

Trext({ Text: Text })

At the top level of your component tree (e.g., your App.js) add the <TrextProvider /> and pass it the current locale, as well as a mapping to your translations. For example,

const translations = {
  'es-ar': require('../modules/translations/es-ar.json')
const locale = 'es-ar'

// ...

render () {
  return (
    <TrextProvider translations={translations} locale={locale}>
      // ...

Trext Component

Wrap any text you would like to translate with the <Trext /> component. You can add styles to the text that will be stripped out when the text is exported for translation. You can also provide template variables—such as a name, demonstrated in the example below.

import { Trext } from 

// ... 

render () {
  return (
    <Trext name='world'>
      Hello, [color=red,italic,bold]#{name}[/b]!

Exporting Text for Translation

From the CLI run


The text will be exported to the outputDirectory specified in your .i18nconfig file.