React Images TEMPORARY
A simple, responsive lightbox component for displaying an array of images.
Quick start
npm install --save react-images
yarn add react-images
import React from 'react';
import Lightbox from 'react-images';
export default class Sample extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
images={[{ src: '' }, { src: '' }]}
Demo & Examples
Live demo:
To build the examples locally, run:
yarn install
yarn start
Then open localhost:8000
in a browser.
Using srcSet
Example using srcSet:
src: '',
caption: 'A forest'
srcSet: [
' 1024w',
' 800w',
' 500w',
' 320w',
src: '',
srcSet: [
' 1024w',
' 800w',
' 500w',
' 320w',
Property | Type | Default | Description |
backdropClosesModal | bool | false | Allow users to exit the lightbox by clicking the backdrop |
closeButtonTitle | string | ' Close (Esc) ' | Customize close esc title |
enableKeyboardInput | bool | true | Supports keyboard input - esc , arrow left , and arrow right |
currentImage | number | 0 | The index of the image to display initially |
customControls | array | undefined | An array of elements to display as custom controls on the top of lightbox |
images | array | undefined | Required. Array of image objects See image options table below |
imageCountSeparator | String | ' of ' | Customize separator in the image count |
isOpen | bool | false | Whether or not the lightbox is displayed |
leftArrowTitle | string | ' Previous (Left arrow key) ' | Customize of left arrow title |
onClickPrev | func | undefined | Fired on request of the previous image |
onClickNext | func | undefined | Fired on request of the next image |
onClose | func | undefined | Required. Handle closing of the lightbox |
onClickImage | func | undefined | Handle click on image |
onClickThumbnail | func | undefined | Handle click on thumbnail |
preloadNextImage | bool | true | Based on the direction the user is navigating, preload the next available image |
rightArrowTitle | string | ' Next (Right arrow key) ' | Customize right arrow title |
showCloseButton | bool | true | Optionally display a close "X" button in top right corner |
showImageCount | bool | true | Optionally display image index, e.g., "3 of 20" |
width | number | 1024 | Maximum width of the carousel; defaults to 1024px |
spinner | func | DefaultSpinner | Spinner component class |
spinnerColor | string | 'white' | Color of spinner |
spinnerSize | number | 100 | Size of spinner |
preventScroll | bool | true | Determines whether scrolling is prevented via react-scrolllock |
Images object
Property | Type | Default | Description |
src | string | undefined | Required |
srcSet | array of strings | undefined | Optional |
caption | string | undefined | Optional |
alt | string | undefined | Optional |