I am a big fan of gulp and sadly I did not found any gulp webpack seed project, so I made one. This seed based on React Infinite Scroll component
clone this repo
npm i
Some Webpack livereload magic
Just run
to use Webpack dev server. You can play with source code and it will be livereloaded on change.
Usual build
gulp build-all
You can also build prod and dev separately.
gulp build-prod
gulp build-dev
Check dist folder for index.html after build.
- fix issue
- move from gulp-clean to gulp rimraf
- fix web dev server configuration ( path: "/" not path: "./dist/dev/scripts", but need both)
- support generation of amd dist assets
Some considerations
Firstly, my plan was to split distrs and source project. But this introduce a lot of problems and complexity, which require solvation before we can actually use npm to start reuse and manage packages. Screw that (at least for now). All I need to start use npm is version bump -> publish task for sourse project, and define path in main property of package.json
"name": "myexposedmodulename",
"main": "src/scripts/myexposedmodulename.jsx",
After that our package is can be required by webpack