Simple Context menu component for react showing all inherited parents menu with SSR compatibility.
Check the sample here ( sources )
npm i react-inheritable-contextmenu -s
Why another context menu ?
Because none of the existing ones have met my requirements :
- Ability to inherit & include parents context menus
- Possibility to render menu items basing the browser event
- Render menus just in time
- Simple to use
- Simple to animate with css
- Do not break SSR
import { ContextMenu } from "react-inheritable-contextmenu";
// override default rendered comps
// * there is no css builtin, but there is classNames .inContextMenuLayer > .inContextMenu .inContextSubMenu
ContextMenu.DefaultMenuComp = Paper
// add optional cool anims ( choose & add in css any anims in )
ContextMenu.DefaultShowAnim = 'slide-in-blurred-left';
ContextMenu.DefaultHideAnim = 'slide-out-blurred-right';
// set show/hide anims duration (default to 250)
ContextMenu.DefaultAnimDuration = 200;
return <div className={ "root" }>
<div>Menu root</div>
Root contextual menu available here
<div className={ "block" }>
another one which inherit the 1st<br/>
<div>Menu 2</div>
<div className={ "block" }>
same using some contextual render fn<br/>
<ContextMenu // show Menu root & menu 2
( e, allMenuComps ) => <div>Menu 2 <i>x:{ e.x } x:{ e.y }</i></div>
<div className={ "block" }>
Without parent's menu<br/>
root // don't show parent's menu
( e, allMenuComps ) => <div>Menu <i>x:{ e.x } x:{ e.y }</i></div>
<div className={ "block" }>
native menu<br/>
native // use natve menu
License ?
MIT license