
React Input Password with some cool features.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactInputPassword from '';


Input Password

Baisc React.js input password with cool features.

How To Use

  1. Install with npm install react-input-password --save.
  2. Import to your "js" file: import Input from 'react-input-password';.
  3. In your code, use like that: <Input onChange={this.test}/>.
  4. See example/basic.js as reference.


  1. Hide/Show password


  1. Password strength (Base on js regex).
  2. Mobile-Like-View - Show only the last letter similar to how mobile password input behave.
  3. In IE10+ input password we should disable the native browser icon since both features are the same but here we gain cross browser similar behaviour & look and feel.


  1. When "revealActive" set to false - there is still padding at the end of the input.



alt tag

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the project (top right button, in github UI).
  2. Clone the forked repository to your machine.
  3. Run npm install.
  4. Run npm start (or better npm run demon in case you have nodemon, otherwise run npm install nodemon -g).
  5. Create a new branch.
  6. Go to http://localhost:3334/.
  7. Write your code, commit and push to your own forked repository in the new branch.
  8. Open a PR and wait for someone to review and merge to master.