
React-Intl CLI for your React project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactIntlCli from '';


React-Intl CLI for your React App

react-intl-cli - command line tools for manipulating react-intl message catalogues.


You could install react-intl-cli global or local.

Global Installation

Using npm:

npm install --global react-intl-cli

Using yarn:

yarn global add react-intl-cli

Local Installation

Using npm:

npm install -D react-intl-cli

Using yarn:

yarn add -D react-intl-cli

and add script to your package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "extract-translations": "react-intl-cli extract"


For now react-intl-cli provides the only extarct command.

Extract command

Extracts messages from source files and creates a message catalog for each language.

If you install react-intl-cli globally you could run it in your command line:

react-intl-cli extract

or with custom options:

react-intl-cli extract [option] [glob-patterns...]

to show available options run help:

react-intl-cli extract -h

If you install locally just run:

npm run extract-translations


This package is licensed under MIT license.