Rewrite International Telephone Input in React.js.
Collaborators Wanted!
Due to the long commuting time, I have no much time to maintain this project often. 😣
So If anybody else is willing to take on the work of bug fixes, integrating pull requests, etc. Please let me know. 🙌
I hope we can maintain the project together, and make this project better! 💪
Demo & Examples
Live demo:
To build the examples locally, run:
npm install
npm start
yarn start
Then open localhost:3000
in a browser.
The easiest way to use react-intl-tel-input is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Browserify, Webpack, etc).
You can also use the standalone build by including dist/main.js
in your page. If you use this, make sure you have already included React, and it is available as a global variable.
npm install react-intl-tel-input --save
yarn add react-intl-tel-input
import IntlTelInput from 'react-intl-tel-input';
import 'file?name=libphonenumber.js!./node_modules/react-intl-tel-input/dist/libphonenumber.js';
import './node_modules/react-intl-tel-input/dist/main.css';
<IntlTelInput css={['intl-tel-input', 'form-control']}
utilsScript={'libphonenumber.js'} />
Heads up: CSS Sourcemaps
As noted in the readme for style-loader, if your webpack configuration for style-loader includes the option to enable sourcemaps, the flag images used by this component will not load.
Note about source maps support and assets referenced with
: when style loader is used with ?sourceMap option, the CSS modules will be generated asBlob
s, so relative paths don't work (they would be relative tochrome:blob
). In order for assets to maintain correct paths settingoutput.publicPath
property of webpack configuration must be set, so that absolute paths are generated.
Because of this, we recommend you disable sourcemaps for the CSS include in this module.
Please see the Demo Page
and the build process)
Development (NOTE: The source code for the component is in src
. A UMD bundle is also built to dist
, which can be included without the need for any build system.
To build, watch and serve the examples (which will also watch the component source), run npm start
If you want to build to the bundle file to dist/
folder, please run:
npm run build
yarn run build
To contribute to react-intl-tel-input, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch. Please write tests for your code, and run the linter before opening a pull-request:
npm test
npm run lint
yarn test
yarn run lint
Inspired by
International Telephone Input - @jackocnr
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 patw.