
The fastest way to start using shortcuts in your React application is by importing the KeyboardShortcutsListener in your component, like this:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactKeyboardShortcutsKeypress from '';


Instructions of usage:

The fastest way to start using shortcuts in your React application is by importing the KeyboardShortcutsListener in your component, like this:

Install the library by running npm install react-keyboard-shortcuts-keypress

import React from 'react';
import KeyboardShortcutsListener from 'react-keyboard-shortcuts-keypress'; 

function MyComponent() {
    const doSomething = () => {
        // Do something here when shortcut is trigerred, like set a state value, or make a fetch request 
    return (
                keysShortcuts="shift a"
                description="Does something"
                    /* Rest of your component */

check the Keypress documentation to see the complete list of supported keys.

Available APIs

This keyboard binding provides 3 APIs - KeyboardShortcutsListener, KeyboardShortcutsProvider, withKeyboardShortcuts.

  1. KeyboardShortcutsListener Refer above example

  2. KeyboardShortcutsProvider Context Provider Component

Once you attach KeyboardShortcutsListener within your component code, you can wrap them within the KeyboardShortcutsProvider provider, like this:

import React from 'React';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent'
import { KeyboardShortcutsProvider }  from 'react-keyboard-shortcuts-keypress';

function App() {
    return (
                <MyComponent />

This will make the details of the configured shortcut listeners along with their descriptions available in the React Context provider, inside keysShortcuts.

Other components can then access keysShortcuts as long as they are wrapped within <KeyboardShortcutsProvider>

  1. Higher Order Component withKeyboardShortcuts

    To be able to access state data from Context Provider we can wrap our custom component inside HOC component withKeyboardShortcuts. It will return an array of objects which can be used to display all available keysShortcuts to the user.


    import React from 'react';
    import { withKeyboardShortcuts } from 'react-keyboard-shortcuts-keypress';
    function DisplayAvailableKeysShortcuts() {
        <!-- This will give us keyboardShortcuts which is a array of objects and can be accessed via props.keysShortcuts -->
           => (
                        // display data or do sth
    export default withKeyboardShortcuts(Component);

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.